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It was a lovely sunny morning, and all of us were training at camp (with the exceptions of Taraya, Niall and Zayn). 

Zayn was in no mood to get up early and the other two were lurking around Barcelona, sightseeing. 

Pedro approached me as I was doing my drills.

"Dude," he whispered, "Munir wants to talk to you."

"Oh really?" I asked, "What's so urgent that he has to call me in the middle of practice?"

"I don't know," Pedro replied, "That's all he told me."

"Thanks mate," I said.

"Any time, hermano."

I approached Munir, curiosity overcoming me. He was on the other end, jogging around. Quickly, I caught up to the Moroccan and began to jog beside him.

"I see that you have received my message from Ped," he stated.

"What's up?" I asked.

"That's exactly what I want to ask you mate!" he laughed.

"Me? Why?" I pretented to look surprised.

"Your acting skills are not on point, hermano." he shook his head and slapped me on the shoulder.

"Oi!" I complained, "That really hurt!"

"That was the point of me hitting you, idiot!"


"We need to talk about you, Neymar. Your unpredictable behaviour would leave even the most experienced of psychologists scratching their heads in confusion."

"And why would that be?" I demanded indignantly.

"You smile creepily at random moments and seem to drift away into another distant world, even when you're in the middle of a conversation. See! You're doing it now!"

Oh dear! It was true! Thoughts of anonymous and a familiar pair of crystal blue eyes were invading my thoughts. Ignoring them temporarily, I returned to reality.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

"Don't worry. It's just very worrying. What else puzzles me is that you simply can't take your eyes off Taraya whenever she's around you. Do you fancy her?"


"It's okay," he reassured me, "to like someone. That's life. And she's very beautiful and ki-"

"I'm in an online relationship with anonymous! " I interjected quickly.

"What?" He asked, astounded.

"Well it's not a relationship. She said that it would be too difficult," I defended.

"So do you...sext each other?"

"YOU PERVERT!" I shouted, "Of course not! We talk romantically."

"Do you love her?" he asked.

"Yes," I said uncertainly.

"It's Taraya who's interfering, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You do love anon, but you also have feelings for Tara."

"I don't exactly have 'feelings' for her, but I certainly am very confused," I admitted.

"That's exactly what I mean. You do have feelings, otherwise you wouldn't be having these problems."

Enamoured《 Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now