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"Boa Tarde Papai!" Davi pounced onto my bed, embracing me lovingly, "Wake up!"

I had just arrived from training. It was only 6pm and Niall was due to arrive at around ten, so I figured that I would have time for a nap.

I picked my precious baby boy up and placed him on my stomach. He smiled and lightly pinched me on the nose. I caught his fingers and massaged them delicately while glancing at the clock. It was now 8 pm.

"Boa Tarde filho," I said, nuzzling his face into my neck, "What would you like to do Dav?"

"Play! Let's play Papai!" He shouted excitedly.

I chuckled and held him to my chest.

"Okay baby. Anything you want!"

So there we sat on the living room floor, playing with Davi's action figures. For the first time in forever, I felt relaxed and content. No stress about La Liga, UEFA or captaining Brazil. No fights with Bruna. Just my precious son and I, enjoying our quality time together.

"Papai?" Davi asked.

"Yes my son,"

"Why do I hear you shout with BruBru?"

I hesitated before answering, "Not everyone is happy all the time Davi."

"But you never fight with me!" He protested.

"Shh baby," I hushed him, "Don't say that. Papai and you will never fight. I love you so more than anything!"

"I love you too Papai! Does that mean you don't love Bru?" he questioned, "Or Mummy? You two were shouting at each other a lot before Mummy moved away."

I was dumbfounded.

And how did he even remember that?

Before I could answer, the bell rang. Talk about being saved by the bell!

"Stay here darling," I said to Davi, I'm going to see who it is."

A young girl stood at the door. Shock registered on her face when she saw me. Great! Now a fan had worked out where I lived!

But I swear I recognised her face.

She was beautiful, but in a different sense. To be honest, she was ordinary looking, except for the fact that her features were all proportionate and perfect. Those lips were voluminous, her cheeks were rosy and those eyes shone vibrantly, resembling two magnificent blue stars. Moreover, her face possessed an overwhelming sweetness. Everything about her screamed "innocent".

"Hola señorita," I began, wondering what approach I was going to take. I should be kind. Everyone deserves respect.

I began rambling in Spanish, "Mucho gusto encantado. ¿Que tal? ¿Muy bien? He Iestado muy ocupado. Acabo de volver justamente de futbol..."



"Nice to meet you. How are you? I just got back from football..." he ranted on in decent Spanish.

But I wasn't listening. The man who knew just about all my secrets was standing there. He obviously didn't know that I was anonymous, but I still felt extremely uncomfortable, wishing that the Earth would open up and swallow me in. How would I cope?

Honestly, he was gorgeous. Everything about him was perfect. His eyes were enticingly beautiful, a mixture between green and brown. He had no flaws. But what was most attractive was his inner beauty. I could practically sense the kindness radiating from him in tiny little invisible rays.

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