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"Woohoo!" Niall whisper-screamed as we entered the largest shopping complex in Barcelona. We were all strictly instructed to not draw attention to ourselves by Paul, and Ni wasn't doing very well.

"Niall," I scolded, "We're going to get mobbed. Just hurry up and buy what you need."

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked incredulously, "This is your day. We're all going to shop and buy what we want, especially you. Our treat."

I HATED not paying for my own stuff. "No really guys. It's okay. I'll just buy myself a top or two."

Niall became extremely irritated by this, "You won't let your own brother and best friend buy you stuff? Honey, we want to. I want to see you happy, doing stuff for yourself."

I looked from Harry to Niall. Their puppy dog eyes were on full show, and I dramatically covered my eyes.

"Fine," I gave in, "But I have to pick your clothes."

"YAAY!" They shouted, dragging me towards the shop nearest to us, which happened to be a Jack Wills. At least it was a shop I actually liked.

There, I bought several T-Shirts and two hoodies. Next, we went to Levi 's where I purchased three pairs of jeans. Then, it was Hollister, where I found a magnificent sundress.

On and on we went to Hugo Boss, Abercrombie, DKNY, Gucci, Burberry, Channel and Tom Ford, where each time, I had discovered something good to wear.

Honestly, I felt extremely guilty. "Nialler, Hazza! Enough shopping for me. Thank you so much guys. You really shouldn't spend this on me. Now let's get some food and after we'll find some stuff for you."

"Nonsense!" Niall scoffed, "Why else would I earn all these millions if I can't spoil my only little baby sister?"

"And I don't have a younger sister, so who can I spoil except you?" Harry added.

I blushed at their words, "Thanks guys! Now, let's carefully go and get some food. Act normal."

We had been spotted a few times by the people working in the store, sometimes even because of my YouTube fame. We signed autographs and took pictures, but there had been no particular frenzy as most people were either at work out school.

For lunch, we decided to have McDonald's. Who could resist that fatty deliciousness? I purchased a McChicken sandwich, a Coke, an Apple Pie, a Smarties McFlurry and fries. I was pretty famished after that shopping experience, as were the boys.

We had hoovered up the food within half an hour.

"So I say we hit the shops again." Harry suggested.


It was now 10:15 pm. We had just finished purchasing presents for the boys, Gemma and Anne. Niall and I also bought a few gifts for our parents, Greg, Denise and baby Theo.

"We really should head to that person's house," I said, yawning.

So then we left, dropping our countless bags into the boot. I was apprehensive to discover who our host was. Niall refused to tell me yet, which made me wonder.

What if I hated them? Maybe that's why Niall won't reveal who it is.

I focused my attention on the scenery outside. Barcelona was a clean and beautiful place. Even though it was dark, you could still see the outlines of beautiful colonial buildings. As we approached the sandy beach, which was now deserted and serene (unlike during the day), the houses became modern and larger, like our house.

Eventually, Nialler pulled into an enormous mansion at the end of the row of beachside houses. It was glorious; not too modern or old. The architecture was brilliant and the mansion itself looked warm and inviting. Three lavish sports cars were parked on the driveway.

"Get out and knock on the door while we get all the baggages." Harry commanded.

"And the magic word?" I challenged.

"Pwease?" Harry asked childishly, smiling.

"Sure," I agreed, giving him and Niall a quick hug from the back.

Trembling in wonder and apprehension, I got out of the car and cautiously walked towards the front door. This was the moment of truth.

I rang the doorbell, waiting. That was when the door opened, and I was face to face with Neymar Da Silva Santos Jr.

A/N What is Ney going to think of Taraya?? So it's a double update today and I hoped you loved these two chapters. Kindly let me know what you thought of it and vote if you liked it. Thank you guys for reading. I'm so appreciative of all your support, comments and votes xxx

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