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I don't care what the fucking time is, but I have to vent this all out.

As most of you may already know, Zayn Javaad Malik has left One Direction.

I can't express how much of a fricking loss that is. Zayn was a truly wonderful man who we watched grow into such a talented young individual for five years.

This guy basically had it all:
- looks that resembled some sort of God
- an artistic mind
-creative writing skills
-song writing skills
-poetry skills
- intelligence (he was a top student)
- a high note that killed

He was a man of compassion, kindness and simplicity, but received so much oppression from people just because of his race and beliefs. His songs were not allowed to be put into the album, he earned the least money out of the five and he was the victim of several untrue rumours.

Obviously the poor guy wanted out! He clearly just wanted to get away from it all and have some peace, as he said.

I'm not saying that his decision was the best, but we have to respect it because that's what he chose. I hope that whatever Zayn chooses to do with his life in the future goes smoothly.

I just want to thank him for everything he's ever done for us fans and also all the large sums of money that he has given to the poor. He's definitely some of the few reasons that people in the world are holding onto a thin thread between life and death. His lyrics put a smile on everyone's face and his voice was spectacular (I literally had a heart attack everytime because of his high notes).

But one thing that I will say is that even though One Direction will go on, it will never be the same ever again, with just four of them.

I will never, ever forget you Zayn!

23.7.10- 20:22
25.3.15- 17:30
This was One Direction

"Don't be sad it's over
Be happy it happened"
@nashgrier- 25/03/15

I'm just praying for the other boys, because Harry cried today in the concert. Remember when Zayn told Harry that he would leave on February 30 a few years ago, well Harry cried for hours then.

Imagine how they'd feel now...

Yup! That's all I wanted to say. I will be updating tomorrow. I hope that you enjoyed this little tribute to our 'Veronica'!
Any Directioners here? Please add on to the comments so that together, we can reminisce the memories that will never be the same.

I will be updating soon and yes, Zayn will still be part of the band!

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