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In a flourish, the players had all scattered around. As speed wasn't one of my most accomplished attributes, I had requested that the ball must only be passed to me when absolutely necessary. They had all protested of course, but I sincerely hoped they would follow my instructions.

Marc suddenly called my name, then the ball came rolling towards me. I caught it with my left foot and thanked god that I at least had efficient reflexes.

As I was rushing towards the opposing goal to attempt to score (I was not far off), Neymar appeared almost out of nowhere! How did he even get here that fast? He winked slyly at me. Crap! Now I had him after my tail. Ney kept on pursuing me until finally, he was in a safe position for a tackle.

The ball was snatched from my feet, and I roared in outrage.

The ball had reached the other side. Despite Douglas' best efforts, he could not get the ball off Rakitic and ended up with an imaginary yellow card for his attempt. Rakitic handed it to Piqué, who then gracefully passed it over to Neymar. I silently prayed that Bravo would make a miraculous save. Alas! The ball curved beautifully before hitting the back of the net. A typical Neymar type goal! The opposition then gathered around, having a mini celebration while the rest of us sighed. We had to do something!

Over the next 25 minutes, nothing had happened. The ball was being tediously passed around from player to player, nobody coming close to scoring. I then saw my chance. There was a gap between Messi and Rakitic! Seizing the opportunity, I raced as fast as I could and tackled the ball off Messi. He seemed rather surprised at my action. The ball then went to Marc, to Xavi, to Douglas then once again to me. I was situated right in front of the goal in the penalty area, the perfect position to score. However, Stegen stood determinedly in front, meaning it could easily be saved.

"A minute left!" Iniesta shouted.

You can do it Horan.

I pulled my foot back before kicking the precious ball powerfully at an angle. It seemed to take forever, but then it hit the net with such tremendous force. I had done it! Just as the final whistle blew the boys ran to me, wrapping me in a celebratory hug.

"Eww sweaty!" I complained

"1-1. Full time. Training is now over. Let's get changed boys!" Iniesta said.

I walked back to the locker room beside Neymar, who appeared to be in deep thought. Surely he wasn't upset because we had drawn?! Something was bothering him.

"You aren't half bad Horan! I'm impressed." He commented, smiling.

"I try my best," I responded.

"I didn't expect that final goal from you. It was crafted with such skilful accuracy."

"Says you Ney. Your goal was just natural. Mine was lucky. I must have had some divine intervention!"

"You really don't know what you're actually capable of, don't you Taraya?"

His questionable behaviour made sense when I finally arrived in the locker room. I was waiting for the men to finish, avoiding to look up. I distracted myself with my phone and discovered I had a text message. It was Neymar. He had sent it ten minutes ago.

To: You

From: N


Bruna didn't come! She had sincerely promised that she would watch me train today. We had finally made up after our humiliating fight. I had to get a guest to look after Davi while I was training. Poor Taraya! But at least her and Davi get along harmoniously! I'm really hurt by her absence. She could have at least told me! In the second half of training, we had to ask Cheyenne to babysit Dav as Taraya was taking part in training. I was worried that he would drool on her new dress or something. Truly, I am getting fed up. This is annoying.

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