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I woke up the next morning filled with a confusing array of emotions. The list ranged from: somnolence, agitation, ignominy and complacency.

The most dominant of them was complacency as I had apparently managed to captivate everyone's attention throughout the whole night, especially Neymar's. He had been so patient as well as caring, having the thoughtfulness to take me out and purchase my sanitary items, and of course he looked absolutely perfect. It took my everything to not keep my eyes trained on the young Brazilian's statuesque figure.

"Tarry?" my brother walked into the room, ignoring my privacy, "Can I talk to you?"

"Well I doubt that you're not going to leave until you do, so sure!" I winced from the light exposure.

He sat on the edge of the bed and put my head in his lap.

"Okay, so I'm going to get straight to the point! Do you like Neymar?"

"Yes of course! Neymar's a great fr-"

"In a romantic way," he interrupted, glaring as he knew that I had perfectly understood the first time.


"Honey, it's alright to like someone. Well not really."

I hid my head in his leg as my blush was increasing in redness.

"Look," he said, "I know you like him and I know he does returns the feelings towards you!"

"No he doesn't," I protested.

"He does. That's what concerns me. I just have to let you know that I will be quite concerned and protective at the beginning. Sweetie, it will be your first relationship, kiss etcetera. Neymar has just gotten out of a relationship. You both live different lives. He has a kid and I'm your elder brother. It's my mentality when it comes to you. Deep down, I know that Ney would never hurt you. However, you have to know that I can't risk anythin-"

"What are you trying to say Nialler?" I asked without looking up.

"If you ever date Neymar, which will happen, I do approve. If I seem sour, it's because I feel bad that I'm giving someone a chance to hurt you. It killed me that I wasn't there to save you for all those years and I still hate myself for that."

His beautiful eyes filled with tears.

"It's not your fault!" I said firmly.

"It is. I could have rescued you if I knew. But I didn't. We almost led you to your own destruction!"

Older (but just as painful) memories filled my brain, bringing back the agonising horror and pain.

"Can we stop Ni? The past is the past."

"Sorry," he apologised, "I want to tell you that I want the best for my baby sister and that she is my everything."

"I love you too, big bro!"

"Do you have any plans for today?" he questioned.

"Yes actually! I'm going to meet up with an old friend. You remember Isabelena, don't you?"

"Oh Belena! Have fun then. I'm just going to watch the lads train for the clasico."

"Will do. I feel that today will be a good day."


Isabelena and I sat together on stools at Starbucks, staring out at the wonderful Barcelona ahead. If they were to turn up now, there'd be no escape. I was beyond caring at this point.

Enamoured《 Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now