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Once again I awoke screaming in agony.

"PLEASE DON'T! NOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My heart raced furiously like I had just run a marathon and I trembled like a fragile, withered leaf during the Autumn.

Somebody ran into the room to help me. I expected it to be Nialler, but it wasn't. Neymar warily sat down on my bed and awkwardly stroked my silky hair. His other arm squeezed my shoulder, reminding me of his presence. It seemed to comfort me, and my system began slowing down.

"It's ok. It's ok," he assured, "I'm here."

"Thank you," I whispered meekly, "Where's Harry and Niall?"

"They've gone for an early morning jog," he replied."

"Oh. Haven't you left for training?"

"Not yet. It starts at 8. It's only 7 o'clock."


"Do you want to come? You look like a football type of girl."

My face lit up angellically, "Oh yes! I do love Football. Especially Barça!"

"I'll ask if you can take part in training too. So who's your favourite player on our team?"

"Well admittedly I pretty much worship you. Your style of play intrigues me. It's not very physical. But Messi, Jordi Alba and Iniesta come up pretty high on my list too."

"Nice to see I have my own fanbase here," he winked.

"Oh do shut up before I make sure you can never play football again!"

He pretended to look horrified, "Dear oh dear! A really innocent, harmless girl has just threatened to break my legs. I'm so afraid!"

"Hey! I may not look like much, but I sure am scary when I need to be."

"We'll see about that Miss I'm-So-Scary! What did you dream about that has worked you up so much?"

"Well that was an unexpected question."

He seemed to sense my uneasiness. "Please," he said, all traces of humour suddenly vanishing, "I want to help you. When you stood at the door, you looked so uncertain and frightened. I've been observing you for these few hours, and however much you smile, I see right through it to all the emotions you've bottled up inside. Ni and Haz barely told me anything. They just said that you may not be the most social person. But it's only been a few hours for me to realize that it's much deeper than that. I know a girl similar to you. She's so amazing but broken. Do you know how much it hurts me every time she's upset? It kills me. I'm not asking you to spill your heart out but please, at least let me make you happy. You're my best friend's sister and my guest, so I don't want you to be unhappy. I want to ensure that you have the best summer ever."

I was taken aback by his straightforwardness. It had only taken him a few hours to basically figure me out. He was so much more than just a footballer. It destroyed me that I was causing him all this excess pain without him even knowing it. Another person to add to my long list of people I've hurt.

Should I tell him what I had experienced?

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "That was too far."

"No of course not. I'm sorry. I just had a terrible vision of my past. It took place in Barcelona actually. It wasn't too bad, except it was what led to to my whole life becoming a wreck. Not that it wasn't before. Honestly though, I really am fine. I promise."

I must also add him to the list of people I've lied to. Technically, that was partly the truth. But still...

He looked unconvinced, but nodded all the same, "If you dwell on the past, the past will always haunt you. Truthfully, I don't know what I can do to cure you, but I just want you to enjoy your stay. Friends?"

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