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He drove us home shakily, while crying at the same time. I had offered to drive despite my trauma, but he had insistently resisted, clambering into the seat rapidly.

I could barely speak and my teeth were chattering.

Oh do shut up Taraya! Barely anything had happened to you!

I tried to ignore the aching dread inside of me and kept my gaze on Neymar. His beautiful face was contorted in concentration as he attempted to drive straight in his drunk manner.

We miraculously reached home safely. Ney carried me out of the car, locking the door. The tears were still pouring out of his eyes. Now mine too.

We rushed inside and he set me down on the sofa. Thank God Niall and Harry weren't home. They would kill us both!

I reached out and patted the spot beside me. Neymar sat down and guiltily turned to face me.

"It's all my fault, isn't it? I just can't ever treat women properly!"

I signalled with my hands that it was not true and cleared my throat.

"N-n-no you d-d-don't," I said, stuttering, "T-t-this wa-was just a-an unfortunate e-event and any woman w-would b-be lucky t-to have you I-in their life,"

He gave me a long look, staring incredulously.

"Taraya?" he asked, "Can I hug you?"

I was shocked by his request.

He has to ask, stupid! You were just in the midst of being sexually violated when he saved you.

"S-s-sure," I agreed, "B-but on one condition."

"What may that be?"

"D-don't tell ANYONE a-about what happened, inc-including N-niall and Harry."

"It was my fault. You know I can-"

"N-no. Please?"

"You've never been touched in any way like that before, haven't you?" he sighed, more tears falling.

I reached out and stroked his face dry, then nodded solemnly.

We were both sobbing.

He then embraced me with such passion and vigour, rubbing sympathising circles on my back. We both comforted each other in ways understandable to nobody else. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel those cliché sparks of electricity. They were there, warm yet spine chilling. I never wanted to let go. Nobody had ever made me feel this way.

I felt a strong urge to reveal that I was anonymous123, but shied away from that idea. I wasn't ready.

"I won't tell, for you. I'm going to take you up to bed, okay angel?"

Once again, he carried me upstairs and tucked me in, pulling the stray pieces of hair away from my forehead.

I wanted him to stay, but that would be quite unacceptable, considering the fact that he had a girlfriend.

"I'm sorry." He said once more, then ran out.


It was 7 am. I had gotten close to no sleep, replaying the moments, right from the daunting ones then to the blissful times when I was lying in Neymar's arms.

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