thirty five

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hey guys, updating this NINE years later with one of my old drafts

I just wanted to say that I no longer like Neymar because he fell off bad into injuries and cheating on his PREGNANT girlfriend, so ig my fanfic was complete cap

Also I dont like 1D anymore and forgot I had a Wattpad account at all, but I feel bad because I keep getting emails 9 years later so if anyone wants an update I can do one because I do want to get back into creative writing 😭

Also I just reread what I wrote and it's okay to wear heels and dresses and makeup and have fun dancing too, I love doing so now :)

Lots of love xox


"What do you mean?" I inquired, scratching my hair, "We can't find Taraya?"

"Well," Niall hesitated, "I'm not sure."

"So how have you come to such a conclusion?" I asked, slightly impatient.


"Spill it," I prompted.

"I found a note in my living room, telling us to come to Vesuvius Hill."

Niall had to repeat that thrice more before I could fully understand what he was saying.

"What has that got to do with Taraya?" I asked rather defeatedly.

"Well, my house was broken into prior to that."

"You are a celebrity," I reasoned, "People would obviously want to break into your house; you're rich."

It was after I said this that I finally realised how shitty I was at comforting people.

"You don't understand, Neymar. Nothing was taken from my house. Only the security camera in the living room was cut and then I found this note on the table."

"Like me?"

"Yes, just like you."

"But why would anyone do that?"

"Why did he break into your house, to say hello?"


"But WHAT? Neymar, it's him. He's giving away her location."

"Why, though? He kidnapped her for a specific reason, so why would he be giving her back? What if it's a trap?"

"I don't know; that's a very possible theory."

"What exactly does the note say?" I asked.

"Vesuvius Hill; that's your first clue" He read monotonously.

"Hold on a second, the note says that Vesuvius Hill is our first clue. Does that mean that there are more clues to find?"

"I think there is," Niall answered, "I've been thinking that maybe he was just looking for a wild chase?"

"Or maybe this is all just a big trap?" I reasoned.

"I've thought of that too, and I've decided that I will take a risk and visit Vesuvius Hill, wherever that is. I owe it to her."

"Niall, that's bullocks!" I argued, "You could be walking right into a deep hole with your eyes closed. Shouldn't we at least hand the note over to the Police?"

"Don't you understand, Ney?" he demanded, exasperated, "That may be far too late. Look, I'm not forcing you to come with me, but I'm going to check it out. There is a possibility that the note could've been a sick joke, anyway. There's only one way to find out."

I wasn't happy with his decision at all; there was far too less evidence.

"I couldn't possibly let you go alone; I'm coming with you?"

"No! Don't come, she's my sister."

"She's my girlfriend."

"But I've known her longer than you have!"

"I don't care; I'm coming with you!"


"I happen to know where Vesuvius Hill is."

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