Chapter 19: A Wake-up Call

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Kokichi Ouma POV

Instead of asking why I'm such a shitface, I should look into how I can get better. 

As much as I'd like to shame myself, it won't get better that way. I know this, I knew this since the beginning. 

Yet, it was so hard to understand and go through with it. 

But... With the hands spread out for me, I think I can finally choose to get better. 

In the end, it's not within time or a certain person comes and fixes you. It's you who has to fix the broken pieces. 

And with that encouragement, I got ready for the therapy session. 

Oh yeah, not long after Komaeda's speech, both he and Kirigiri left. Leaving me empty and hallow. 

But, I'm a leader! I shouldn't be giving up at my lowest, all alone. 

A leader collects themselves and reflect on their problems. Trauma and the past shouldn't be forgotten, it should be used to get stronger, and learn to become a better person. 

Wow... Can't believe, me, the asshole of the killing game is saying all of that shit. 

Coming back into reality, I wore a zipper sweater which had the elements of my old clothes that I wore in the killing game. I also had a purple crop top which matched my slightly darker purple shorts. To wrap it up, I wore mostly white, checkered sneakers and my iconic checkered scarf. 

Sure, I had a black and a bit of white belt hanging around my waist, but that's just an accessory. 

Anyways, I plot my sweet ass back into my wheelchair and began rolling myself towards the cafeteria. 

All by myself.

As soon as opened the door, by myself, I was hit with eyes. 

Not literally, I mean all eyes we're on me. As if I did something bad. 

Well... I am bad after all. 

"What? Snap a picture, it'll last longer." I winked at whoever was close and rolled myself towards Tsumugi. 

"I'm surprised you got here by yourself, shouldn't Mr. Komaeda be accompanying you?" She asked out of pure curiosity. 

"Ah- Well... Let's just say I did something very upsetting this morning." I shortly explained, scratching the back of my head. 

"Oh, I see." Tsumugi nodded and began to look around the room. 

"Huh, Kaede and Shuichi seem to be getting along so well. They are just two peas in a pot!" She giggled slightly. 

I would join her but... It's no surprise I'd get jealous by this. 

Didn't he say he loved me? Why is he getting all smooshy smooshy with Kaede? 

No wonder I have trust issues. 

Nagito arrived, not alone though. Along beside him was a familiar face...

It was Mr. Hinata! 

Kind of weird if you think about it. 

At first, Nagito was a crazy dude. And when I say crazy, I mean crazy. 

That dude literally relied his whole life on "hope." 

Dude can kill an entire school and would say hope chose that faith. 

Obviously, I strongly disagreed with him being my therapist. Yet, slowly but surely, I began to stick. Literally, I was glued on to him when the solo therapy ended. 

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