Chapter 27: Lets go Bowling!

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Kokichi POV

I woke up to knocking on the door, more like banging if you ask me but that's beside the point...

I flow away from my beauty sleep and begin to get dressed. Ya know, so no one sees me half-naked, unlike Shuichi.

Now, I began rolling myself toward the front door.

Let me tell you here, it's no fun trying to get to your destination with all this furniture in the way.

Anyways, I open the door to see a blonde pianist in front of me.

"Morning Kokichi! Is Shuichi up?" Kaede greeted me with a smile.

"No, he's dead. I actually killed him not too long ago." I yawn, effortlessly lying.

"Haha, very funny. Well, I just wanted to tell you the whole gang wants to hang out before our semester begins." She explains.

"Cool, cool. But what does the ultimate supreme leader get out of this?" I look her up and down.

"Uh... Hang out and have fun...?" Kaede shrugged with a confused look on her face.

"Good point, I'll tell my trusty assistant to fit that in my clearly busy and important schedule. When and where are we meeting?" I ask with a slight grin.

"We are meeting up at 8 pm today, and we're thinking the bowling alley across the cafe is a good spot. Just bring your own money, everyone has to pay for their own tickets." She explained even more, yet it sounded like she was singing.

I can effortlessly lie and you can effortlessly look perfect...

"Okay, cool. I'll see you then. Bye-bye!" I slammed the door in her face before she can even say goodbye back.

I turned around to see a scary-looking zombie, apparently supposed to be shumai.

"Who was that?" He hushed out with a raspy voice.

Why do people look AND sound hot in the morning?

"Morning babe, it was Kaede. She just told me that the whole gang will be meeting up at the bowling alley at 8 pm sharp today. We are definitely going." I proudly smiled, rolling myself towards the kitchen.

"Oh, nice. Wait... BABE?!?" Shuichi freaked out and turned bright red.

"Take a joke, my dear shumai," I said, taking small glances at him.

"Oh... Haha, joke, funny..." He slouched down on the counter.

"Help me make pancakes again? Chocolate chip pancakes this time, please. " I pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Of course, Kichi." Shuichi smiled.

He smiled... So... Very lovely...

This morning has been going well, I wonder what will ruin it...

"So, I was also told you have a physical therapy meeting today, 6 pm. It'll be around 2 hours. Unfortunately, I can't pick you up but I can drop you off. Is that good...? " Shuichi pulled me back to reality.


"How can you drop me off, you have a car?" I questioned him, pouring the flour and powder into a bowl.

"I'm actually renting one, it's for college students in fact. It didn't take long for me to learn how to drive." He said without a struggle, also mixing the bowl.

"Oh wow. You never fail to amaze me, detective." I chuckled out, breaking 2 eggs and pouring the yolk into the bowl.

"You amaze me every day, Ouma." He said brightly smiling.

Fuck. Fuck.

Shuichi POV

It's been a while since I've eaten those pancakes and I'm still pretty hungry.

I'll find something to make myself in the pantry.

So I stepped out of the room to see the clock, it was 5:30 pm already!

I rushed to knock on Kokichis's door, "Kichi! Get ready it's almost time for your meeting!"

His response was just put groaning. Seriously, he just groaned like a bear.

I didn't know so much was in a little body...

But soon after that bear groan, I started hearing his wheelchair rolling. That's how I knew he woke up again so I just waited outside his room, specifically on the soft sofa.

After it felt like another hour has passed, Kokichi was ready.

He wore an oversized purple hoodie with a checker stripped running along his chest, and pure white shorts. To match the checker pattern, he wore black and white sneakers. Oh, and we can't forget his checkered scarfs. Basically, Kokichi looked like a five-year-old like always.

"Alright, let's head out." I hummed out, walking towards the front door

"A little help here? Yknow, the disabled person." He shouted out.

"Oh, yeah. So-Sorry!" I mustered out.

I began rolling Kokichi, all the way to the elevator to the front door. Then when we got to the car, I carried Kokichi and placed him in the car.

He was light.

I folded his wheelchair and placed it in the back seats. The place wasn't so far away so I took my time. On the other hand, Kokichi was stressing out, he was fidgeting with his hands.

"Calm down, Koki-"

"CALM DOWN?! Thanks, Saihara! You are such a great friend, sure let me CALM DOWN." He screamed, interrupting me.

"A-Ah... Sorry, but maybe take some deep breaths, the place isn't going to hurt you." I reassured him.

"I'm not worried about that..." He shook his head and looked down.

All I could do was focus on him, his hair... Some of its purple tints are spreading.

"Then what are you worried about...?" I questioned.

"I'm worried about... What if I can't walk again? Shuichi, I don't want to be bound in that stupid wheelchair... I want to run and play again!" Kokichi was having a bit of a meltdown.

"Kokichi, your hair has been getting backs it's purple tints, it's getting better. I'm sure that's how it'll be like for your legs." I gave him a grin.

"My legs are going to get purple tints?" He sounded confused.

"Haha, no! Your hair is getting better so perhaps your legs will too! The body reacts to your progress, Kichi." I explained in simpler terms.

"Ohh... That's why you were looking at me intensely, I thought you were falling for me by the second!" He chuckled out.

"Eh?! Yknow what, I'm focusing on the road now..." I said, starting the car.

"Fine by me, I wouldn't want to die again." Kokichi chuckled once more.

That line should have triggered something, like how Kyoko once said "it's punishment time," but it didn't.

I think I'm recovering too, Kokichi. I'm getting better, with you...


I'M BACKK!!! maybe not for long but I'm here to bring you guys a new chapter!

Sorry for the long hiatus!

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