Chapter 28: My Unspoken Words

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Kokichis POV

I finally finished long and stressful hours of walking therapy.

I can't express how much fear I felt in so little time...

The stress too... Gosh! So not needed.

Anyways, I roll myself out of the place to be greeted by a blonde beauty.

She was patiently waiting, on her phone giggling as always.

I rolled towards her, "Why hello there! Surely wasn't expecting you to pick me up."

"Oh! Hi Kokichi! How was it? How are you?" Kaede greeted me with a smile.

"Horrible." I let the loudest groan ever.

"Horrible as in the therapy or how you're feeling..?" She questioned.

"Just help me get to the car, sweetie." I rolled my eyes, she won't get it.

Like as she was told, Kaede helped me get into her car and started the engine.

Only a few minutes had passed before she opened that loud mouth of hers.

"Kokichi... I know it's a bit sudden to start this conversation but... I'm aware of your feelings for Shuichi, in fact, I'm aware of mine for him too..." Kaede made a face of shame.

There was pure silence for a minute, probably the longest minute ever.

"My feelings for Shuichi? Yeah, my hatred for him! Ugh! Such an idiot, man." I turned away from her, looking at the window.

"Huh? No, Kokichi. I'm being serious. You and I both know we both like him. And only one of us can have him..." She kept on persisting in this conversation.

"Okay... What do you want to do about it? Should we fight to the death for prince charming?" I gave a valid idea.

Kaede sighed in response, "How about we agree on this, Let's have a competition. A love competition for Shuichi. Whoever can win his heart gets to be his lover and the loser has to move on."

"Hm... I like the risk. But, how do I know if I win you won't move on? What if, you know, you steal him from me?" I sarcastically joked.

"I won't do that! Also, you have a head start because you guys are roommates, not fair! So I'll ask him out on a date later this week." The dumb blonde yelled out.

"That's not fair either!" I gasped.

"Obviously I'm not going to say it's a date! Oh, and we'll meet up weekly to see our progress." She added in.

"I like the sound of that. Deal, princess." I gave out my hand.

"Deal." Kaede smiled, while shaking my hand.

"Now drive, woman!" I screamed.

"Shut up! I am!" She screamed back, giggling.

Shortly after our screaming battle, we arrive at the bowling alley.

Kaede helped me out of the car, getting me in my wheelchair, and we headed towards the place.

"Bonnie's Bowling Alley," the front door readout.

Hmm, seems trusting enough.

We both entered the place to be greeted by the disgusting, hideous, ugly faces of our so-called "friends."

Everyone yelled our names, "Kaede!" "Kokichi!"

We picked up our pace and approached them. After greeting back, all I can remember is fun.

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