Chapter 25: Miss Yukizome

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Kokichi Ouma POV

Finally, we arrived at the dorm rooms. There were people gathered in front of the entrance with another set of people standing towards them. 

"The last bus has arrived. Once they gather themselves here I shall begin to speak." One of the people said out loud. 

With the help of the bus driver, which was surprisingly the big guy Nekomaru, we all gathered with the others. 

"These are the dorm rooms if it wasn't obvious. Units will be divided by bus. Meaning you all will be by your peers. This doesn't mean we want you to stick with them, we encourage you to interact with others." A man with a long white beard said, he reminded me of Santa Clause.

Another person stepped up to speak. They had long ginger hair tied up in a ponytail and they wore business attire. 

The woman began, "Hello, fellow Ultimates. I am Chisa Yukizome, the Ultimate housekeeper. However, I've been ordered to guide all of you in your college experience. Meaning I am the school counselor, I will also be one of the professors teaching here. I'm pleased to see all of you here and can't wait to see your progress!"

She finished with a nice smile, a true smile. Then she walked back to her place, letting a man with pure white hair step forward. 

"Mrs. Yukizome will be more than happy to help you all with your tasks, so don't feel discouraged to avoid asking. I, Kyosuke Munakata, am a professor here. I can't be much of a help like Mrs. Yukizome. However, I am a huge help in college work. I will help in projects you may be assigned in, assignments, and much more. Thank you. " He stated, then walked back. 

Letting a young woman with short hair and a big fluffy jacket speak. 

"I am Ruruka Ando! Despite me being an expert with food, I have been assigned to teach all of you! I'll be glad to help, blah blah blah. Let's all get along!" She smiled, I guess she isn't much of a professional... 

There was a person with short grey hair and a mask who spoke up, another person spoke as well, then another, another, another, till every person there finished speaking. 

They were all either professors or a bigger role in the college. I didn't bother listening past the Ando woman. 

Once she spoke, I had enough. She had an annoying pitch which made me give it all up. 

The long-beard man spoke again, "I am the headmaster, Kuzuo Tengan. I am pleased to be acquainted with you all. You may all settle into your rooms. A group of staff will be here ready to help. Have a good day now." 

The headmaster, along with a large set of professors, left so god knows where. A small group of professors still stood, waiting for someone to ask for help. 

Obviously, the only one with a wheelchair, I went up to Mrs. Yukizome. 

"I request for help, as you can see I'm attached to this old thing." I formally said, with a grain of sass. 

"Of course, what is your room number along with the unit building?" She asked. 

"Uh, I'm that bus so... Yeah, and my dorm room is 224." I pointed to my bus and answered her. 

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