Chapter 22: Making a Date

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Kokichi Ouma POV

I was wakened up by a living toothbrush with toothpaste on it.

Oh, never mind. It's just Komaeda.

"What is it Nagito?" I yawned out of tiredness.

"You may have heard, everyone, including you, will be attending college!" He started clapping and smiling.

"Uh-huh, that's all?" I gave him some sass.

"I just want you to know you'll still be attending therapy meetings with me during college, of course, private again. And the even better news issss!" Nagito asked from drumroll.

I began patting my tights in replace of an actual drum roll.

"You'll be sharing a dorm room with Shuichi! I expect you to get along, but to get that. You'll need to be making amends" Mr. Komaeda began to focus on the serious topic.

He was right, I should start getting along with that excuse of a detective.

Guess we'll be ignoring the fact he confessed to me? Hm..

"Okay... What should I do? If I meet up with him I'll just randomly get fed up, or he turns into a white night. So we just end up ignoring each other." I added sarcasm but what I said was right.

"Hm... Maybe TRY not to get mad? I'll make a playdate for both of you. I hope you're good at board games" Komaeda winked at me and left my room.

Good at board games? OH, I'm an expert at them!

I remember always playing AND winning at the games with dice.

Oh... "remember," I... Don't actually know if they're real...

Well, at least it's nice to feel as if I had friends before all of that...

Enough of the sad talk, I started to get off my but and onto my wheelchair.

Wonder if I should start to go through the walking therapy thing.

I sure do miss running around...

Anyways, I wore a clearly oversized, purple zip-up hoodie. Matching the color, I have purple sneakers on. Of course, I'm wearing pants! Specifically, shorts that look like pj's.

Gosh, when I looked myself in the mirror I realized the tons of bruises on my legs. Remind me of...-

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door, interrupted my thoughts.

"KOKICHI! GET YOUR BITCH ASS UP!!! I'M BORED!" I heard a rather annoying voice screaming outside my room.

"Shut that nasty mouth of yours, whore." I quickly shut her up, rolling myself out of the room and closing the door.

"Fuck you! And guess what I created out of the junk in the closet!" Miu began the conversation.

"A dildo?" I truthfully guessed.

"Fuck you, again. I MADE A CAMERA! We should pose for pictures!" She excitedly exclaimed.

"Uh... Miu. I literally have white hair like a fucking grandma" I gave her more sass.

"So? It looks rather sick if I say so myself. Oh! That reminds me, I've heard you and Shuichi are going to bang bang! If you know what I mean." She eyed me up and down.

"What. Of course, you're on with your sick fantasies! No, we are just going to be roommates in college. Who are you paired up with?" I asked out of curiosity?

"Hm... No idea, but if I had to pray I would want Kaede. Or Kirumi? I don't know." Miu shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, where are we going exactly? I'm getting tired of pushing myself." I yawned.

"Okay, I'll push you. Also, we're going to hang out in the cafeteria 'cuz I'm hungry." She admitted to being a fatass.

Shuichi Saihara POV

I heard a small knock on my door.

"You can come in!" I politely ordered.

"Good morning, Shuichi." Mr. Komaeda greeted me, walking towards me and sitting on the chair next to my bed.

"It's aware to everyone you want to get along with Kokichi, correct?" He asked me.

Am I that easy to read..? I have to get better if I want to succeed as a detective...

"Eh, yeah I do. Why bring it up?" I asked.

"Well, I plan on making a meeting just the two of you. Playing board games and finally making amends. Do you like the idea?" He simply smiled.

"Yeah, yeah I do! But... Kokichi doesn't exactly like me no matter what or how I try to help him. It's like... It's like he hates me." I looked towards the ground in shame.

"We both know that's not true. Kokichi has been struggling to fight his battles since his birth. Now that you guys are out of the game, he's been struggling with a new set of problems. Especially with making friends with everyone. Trust me when I say he wants you to be his friend." Komaeda began to comfort me.

Which, he should be comforting Kokichi from what I just heard.

"Oh, I see. Well, I accept the request. Thank you, Mr. Komaeda." I smiled and thanked him.

"Of course. The meeting is at 3 pm, have a hopeful rest of your day." He said before leaving.

Hopeful rest of your day? Hehe..

I do want to apologize to EVERYONE for being such a dumb fuck😭 I'll be immediately working on the next chapter, so uh... Yeah, xoxo💋

Didn't proofread again😻

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Didn't proofread again😻

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