⤿ perfect wife

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surprise lol

You were laying on his king-sized bed in his large ass penthouse, cuddling.

You were talking about random things while he played with your hair, which you genuinely enjoyed. You loved it when people played with your hair. It helped you calm down.

"You know, you'd make the perfect wife for me." He whispered out of nowhere.

You got flustered at what he said. You looked up at him since you were face to face with his chest as he looked back at you.

"What?" He asked you, arching a brow as he looked at you as if he just didn't say that he doesn't mind if you were to became his wife.

Nonetheless, you smiled at him and cupped his cheeks, leaning towards him and gave him a kiss.

He immediately kissed back and as if on cue, played with your hair while you went on top of him, not breaking the kiss.

He bit your lip which made you moan and he took the chance to insert his tongue inside you and explored every cavern of your mouth. You broke the kiss because of the lack of air.

You smiled at him cheekily. "You'll marry me?" You asked, your voice unintentionally rising up a pitch higher.

He smiled back and put his arms around your waist, hugging you tighter. "Mhm. That is, when we're both ready and when you want to marry me, darling."

You can't help but smooch him with kisses all over his face.

"Love," You called out.

"Yes, baby?" He softly replied.

"Thank you... for everything. You don't know how much I love you." You whisper, looking at his eyes with so much tenderness.

He smiled at you, bringing you closer to him and whispered into your ear, "I should be the one thanking you. You're always there for me, you know? You supported me in every way. I love you so, so much."

You chuckled at him, caressing his cheek as you asked him a question.

"But... when we do get married, what if I don't want children?" You asked him out of curiosity as you looked at him in the eyes. However, what you asked him did not make him falter.

"Of course it's up to you, love. You're the one who'll be going through hardship and giving birth, not me. I don't mind if we don't have children, afterall, it's all up to what you want." He continued. "I already knew way before that you're not really fond of children, so..."

You laughed at what he said, knowing that it's true. "You're right, however... we might have a lot of children sooner or later."

"Hm, how so?"

You grinned at him and took the initiative tonight to take care of him.

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