⤿ illegal / au

13.7K 322 143


AU: Red thread of fate.

words: 822


"I love you so much, (Name)." He whispered as he cuddled with the (Hair Color), kissing her forehead. While the woman, on the other hand, smiled uneasily. She thought about their future together. That is, if they are still together in the future.

They're not soulmates. There's no red thread of fate connecting him to her, even if they're that close to each other.

It's not illegal to be with someone you're not fated to be with. There's no rule stating that you can't be together with someone who isn't your soulmate. But it's not recommended either. Because once you get attached to them, you're bound to be met with a sad ending. And that's exactly what's happening. At least, what's going to happen to them in the future.

They already had that talk about when they meet their own soulmates. They promised not to feel so attached to each other, but they know for sure that they are already attached to each other.

"I love you too, Daisuke." She smiled at Daisuke, giving him a small peck on the lips.

"So," He started off, releasing her from the hug as he opened the refrigerator, getting out cookies as he puts them on the table. "Any plans for today?"

"Hmm.. nope. It's a Sunday, afterall." She hinted, wanting to hear that question from her boyfriend.

"You want to go on a date?" He asked the right thing.

"Yes!" She nodded.

"Okay, then. Where do you want to go? My treat,"

"Hmm... how about an amusement park? I haven't gone there since ages." She recommended, sitting on the chair.

"Sure. Let's just eat lunch then let's go."

"Woah... The ferris wheel looks so amazing!" She exclaimed loudly.

"It looks more amazing at night, though." Daisuke, who was behind her, said.

"Really? Then let's stay here until the sun goes down." She suggested.

Daisuke nodded in agreement and held her hand, leading her to have some fun.

"What do you wanna ride first?"

"Hmm, let's ride the gentle ones first, then the intense ones later."

Before they even knew it, they were already wearing headbands and were having lots of fun.

A few hours later, it was already sunset.

"Look, Daisuke! The sun is setting." She pointed at the sun.

"Mhm, I'll just go to the comfort room." He smiled at her, removing the headband he was wearing and giving it to her.

"Okay. I'll stay here by the benches," She nodded, accepting the headband and sat by the benches as Daisuke went to the comfort room.

She admired the sun, as it still shined so brightly even if it was about to be covered in darkness.

Even if it catched her eye, what catched her eye more was the sight in front of her.

Daisuke. Her love.

He was walking towards her, but his eyes were elsewhere. She followed his sight and found him looking at a gorgeous woman, who was also staring at him.

That must be his...

But then, she noticed that there was also someone beside the woman. A man.

They both looked away at each other, and Daisuke continued to walk towards (Name). "Sorry. Did you wait long?"

"Not really..." She replied hesitantly.

"Are you okay?" He asked, noticing her uneasiness.

"I'm fine... Are you?" She asked back, masking her uneasiness with a smile.

He smiled at her gently as he lent her his hand. "Can we go home...? I don't feel so good."

What about the ferris wheel...?

"Okay..." She nodded, accepting his hand.

He knows that she knows. And she knows the he knows. But they stayed silent because they knew they might say something not right for the other.

He brought her home, following her until she's inside her condo.

"Um... Can I ask you something before you go?" She spoke as she opened the door.

"What is it?"

"Was she... your soulmate?" Her voice cracked a little. She didn't look behind.

Daisuke wasn't taken aback at all.

"Yes, she was..." He looked at her, feeling worried.

"Oh... Good night then, Daisuke." She looked back and smiled at him, kissing his cheek and closed the door.

She made sure it was locked, before sitting down at the floor. No signs of knocking.

Her face was already filled with tears even before he answered, because she already knew the answer.

She knew it would hurt, but not this bad. She was already prepared for his answer, even before so but it was all in her imagination that she thought she was prepared.

She knew he was never hers, and will never be.

She looked at her pinky finger that had a red thread. Daisuke is still at the door.

He's her soulmate. There's a red thread of fate connecting her to him. Even if in his case, there's a different woman connected to his red thread.

this was kinda rushed oof

thank you for 3k reads! i'm really sorry for not updating for a whole ass month 😭😭 i took online examinations and schoolworks were piling up, reason for not updating. but since exams are done and school's boutta end, i got a lot of time now for updates 🤩

irrelevant but,

say it with me, #blacklivesmatter. please do sign the petitions if you can. you should stop reading this book if you're racist bye

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