⤿ jealous

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PROMPT : "Wait a minute. Are you jealous?"

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To say that you've been dating the detective with unlimited money wasn't a lie. Although you two were lovers, he never really showed much affection in public. It was always in private that he would show affection towards you. So naturally, you'd think that he would not be the type to get jealous easily.

"I'll be off, then," You said to your coworkers. You were off for the day— earlier than usual, because you had promised a date with Daisuke for the day.

Your coworkers gave you a farewell and you smiled at them, grabbing your bag and leaving. Once you had left, you entered the train station to go to Daisuke's workplace.

You dozed off in the train for a good few minutes to get some sleep, and once you reached your destination you left the train, walking to where Daisuke's workplace was at.

You entered inside the workplace, and you were asked by a person what brought you there. You asked for Daisuke, and they immediately let you in Daisuke's office. He shared an office with Haru. Daisuke's front was facing you while Haru's back was facing you. They looked up at you, and you smiled at the both of them. Daisuke gave you a slight nod while Haru smiled back at you.

"(Name). You're early. I'm sorry, but can you wait for me? I'll be finished in awhile." Daisuke said, and you were more than willing to wait for him, so you answered with a yes.

"You can sit right next to me," Haru offered as he pointed at the vacant seat next to him, and you gladly accepted it, sitting right besides him.

"Thank you!" You said, and you quietly sat next to Haru until he asked you for help. You two have grown close since you started visiting Daisuke's workplace for awhile now, so you didn't mind.

"(Name), what do you think about my report? Is it too bland?" He asked, and you leaned over next to him to see his report. You analyzed it for awhile before giving him some critique.

"Well, I think it's fine, you just have to add this..." You explained, and while you were explaining you noticed Daisuke was staring at you two quietly. The wall separating the front of them were glass so it was visible.

"You're amazing, (Name)! Thank you," He grinned and you smiled back at him. He was cute.

While he was typing, you suddenly noticed that his hairstyle was cleaner and fresher than before.

"Did you have a haircut?" You asked, and he looked at you with a slight blush on his face.

"D-Does it look bad...?" He asked, conscious about his new hairstyle and touched the top of his head.

You waved your hands immediately, denying it. "No! It looks good on you!" You admitted, and he looked away.

"Thank you..." He muttered.

Thinking that they might take awhile, you stood up and asked them, "Do you guys want something from the convenience store?"

"Buy me some coffee, please?" Haru asked.

"What about you, Daisuke?" You asked and he silently shook his head.

You opened the door and then left to go to the nearby convenience store, buying two iced coffees for you and Haru.

You paid for it on the cashier, and once you got it you left and came back to their workplace, entering the office.

You placed Haru's coffee on his desk while he was typing, and he said his thanks. You also opened your coffee, drinking it.

"Can I borrow your cellphone, (Name)? I left mine at home." Haru asked you and you agreed.

"Sure, just get it in my bag," You allowed him and he reached to your bag, when his hands hit your drink and stained your top. Since it was white, the stain was very visible, your bra was even visible. The both of your eyes widened.

"I'm sorry!" He apologized profusely and lent his brown jacket and you were going to accept his jacket when Daisuke was right behind you, putting his blazer on your shoulders. Your eyes widened as you looked at him.

"I'm finished. Let's go home." He coldly said and dragged you by your wrists, leaving you no choice but to follow him. You grabbed your bag before leaving, apologizing to Haru.

"But what about our date...?" You asked him as you two went to the parking lot.

"It seems like you don't want to go on a date anymore." He replied, his back facing you.

"What? I never said that," You thought of what you said before, but you two never even talked back there. Suddenly, realization hit you like truck.

"Wait a minute... Are you... Jealous?" You asked, although it was no way that he would be.

He turned back to look at you, looking irritated as he glared at you. "So what if I am?"

Your eyes were as wide as saucers, can't believe what he just said. Daisuke? Jealous?

"What...?" You asked, unsure if what you heard was right.

"I am jealous. Are you that slow?" He glared at you even harder, and turned back to drag you to his car.

Once you processed what he said, You laughed so hard.

Before he opened the door you pulled his necktie, pulling him to you for a kiss. Although his eyes widened, he kissed back immediately.

Once you pulled away, you smirked at him.

"I like to see you jealous."

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