⤿ wine

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PROMPT : I've seen the way you look at me when you think I didn't notice.

Requested by: idk but y'all requested it

does this even count as fluff 😹

"Are you ready, (Name)?" Daisuke asked outside the door.

You were currently getting ready for the high-class birthday party you and Daisuke were going to attend to because well, your boyfriend is a high-class person and he's definitely an important person in the society.

You were wearing a fit dress that hugged your curves and a color that complimented your skin tone.

"I'm almost done!" You replied to Daisuke as you fixed your makeup.

"I'll be waiting for you in the living room," Daisuke said and you heard footsteps getting further and further away. Once you were contented with the makeup you did, you took one last look in the mirror and went out with your sling bag, walking confidently as you went to the living room. Daisuke was on his phone when you went to him.

"Oh, (Name)... Let's—" Daisuke said, and once he looked at you, his eyes widened.

"Let's go?" He coughed and stood up, holding out his hand for you. You gladly accepted as you held hands going to his expensive car.

He opened the door for you, and you went inside thanking him. Once he took his seat, he drove to the party.

You weren't exactly nervous talking to the people in the party as you got accustomed talking to people like Daisuke, and you fairly knew what you were doing.

Daisuke was holding your waist as he talked to some old men about business, and you occasionally joined the conversation when needed.

Getting bored from their conversation, you said your excuses to Daisuke and the people he was talking to to get some wine for yourself.

He agreed but as you left him, you could feel his gaze burning you as you talked to the waiter to get some wine. He blushed as you talked to him.

The waiter was taking a bit too long and a man came up to you— he was qualified enough to be called attractive.

"You alone?" He asked.

You smiled at him. "No,"

"With whom?"

"My boyfriend." You said as you glanced at Daisuke who was glaring at the man you were talking to.

"Is that so..." And that was all it took for the man to leave you alone and as if on cue, the waiter came back with your drink and you gladly accepted it.

You walked over to Daisuke as he was finished talking to the old men, and he was making himself look as if he was doing something before you walked over to him. You chuckled.

You pulled his necktie, making him dangerously close to you as you whispered. "I know you want me."

He arched his brows, as if challenging you. "Why do you say so?"

"I've seen the way you look at me when you think I didn't notice." And it was true. You knew and felt how he was staring at you as if he was a predator and you were his prey, and whenever a guy comes up to you, he glares at them as if there was no tomorrow.

You smirked when he couldn't reply. Removing your hold on his necktie, you casually spilled your wine on your dress. You acted as if you were shocked as you covered your mouth with your hands. "Oops."

"What are you doing?"

You chuckled as you stared at him. "So you can take me."

He closed his eyes as if to control himself, and he finally lost it as he opened his eyes and looked at you hungrily. He pulled your hair as he whispered next to your ear.

"I hope you won't regret this."

DETECTIVE ; daisuke kambe Where stories live. Discover now