⤿ argument and insecurities

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(gn reader since the pronouns weren't specified)

hi i don't really like this book and lost interest writing for this so this is the last time i'll be updating this. thank you so much for reading <3

"Put the documents on my table. I'll be checking them tomorrow, but I'll get some things done tonight." Daisuke says, looking at his expensive silver watch as he ended the call. He putted back his cellphone in his pocket, before staring at you coldly. You felt a pang in your chest when he looked at you like that. He never... looked at you like that. He's always soft with you. He laid back on his chair, looking at you with a sharp gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Your voice almost broke, biting your lip as you tried to prevent the tears from falling. Shit. You hate yourself for being weak when it comes to him.

His eyes widened a bit, as if he was not expecting for me to say that with such a weak voice, and his expression changed a bit softer. "I'm sorry. What's our problem, (Name)?"

You looked down, unable to look at him any longer. You didn't want to confront him when you're emotional. You always let your emotions get the best of you. "Let's... talk tomorrow. Goodnight, Daisuke."

You stood up, about to leave the dining table but he suddenly grabbed your wrist, making you turn to look at him.

"Tell me what's our problem, baby, please. Talk to me." His voice sounded desperate, and he looked like he really wanted to know.

You bit your lip, your tears finally falling as you hugged him with your face buried on his chest, staining his black button-up shirt with your tears. He immediately hugged you back, caressing the top of your head.

"I'm here, baby." He says reassuringly as he kissed the top of your head, calming your down.

"Sorry... it's just that... it's just that I feel so insecure..." You said, sobbing. Your voice sounded hoarse as you cried hard.

"What has happened for you to feel that way, love?" He asked gently, resting his chin on your head.

If you say the reason, You'd sound possessive over him, and you didn't want that. "I don't want to sound like I want you all to myself, Daisuke..."

"You have me all to yourself, love. And I'd rather you communicate to me about our problem than keeping it to yourself." He reassured, grabbing your chin making you look at him with a tear stained face.

You bit your lip as you started. "I feel j-jealous... Insecure? Because I know that I'm not that beautiful or have a stunning body like the women you know..."

"It hurts me to know that you feel that way about yourself when you're so damn beautiful, baby. " He whispers, staring at you and your eyes widened. How could he find you beautiful when you have all these imperfections?

"I have a lot of imperfections on my body... how could you find me beautiful?" You asked, looking away.

"Yeah? That's why you're beautiful, aren't you? Your imperfections are what make you beautiful." He stated, grabbing your chin to make me look at him. "Listen to me, baby. You are beautiful. Not just outside. But in the inside, too."

You rested your head on his chest and nuzzled against his chest. You didn't want him to see your red face. "Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm?" He said, caressing your hair.

"Why do you like me?"

"Because I love you, isn't that obvious?" He said with no hesitation. You tried not to smile, but it was impossible. You hugged him tighter.

"Sorry, I got mad at you..." You apologized.

"It's me who should be apologizing. I made you feel insecure, when you shouldn't have. I'm sorry, baby." He said and kissed your cheek.

"I love you," You smiled, looking at him.

"I love you more," He replied softly and kissed you.

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