⤿ nickname

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(AU: High School)

words: 800

"Daisuke likes you, (Name)." Haru, my best friend, said as he leaned on his chair.

"And how did you come up with that conclusion?" I rolled my eyes, not believing him.

"I swear! I saw your nickname on his cellphone!" He exclaimed.

"What? And how did you know it was me when it was a nickname?" My brows furrowed, confused.

"Uh... I kind of looked into his cellphone..." He looked away, scratching his nape.

"What? Why would you do that in the first place?!" I glared at him.

"Oh c'mon! I did it for you! I know you have always liked him. You should thank me."

"Still. And how would a nickname justify his feelings for me? Huh?!" I glared at him even more.

"It's obvious!"

"What was the nickname anyway?" I rolled my eyes.

"Lover." He smirked.


"A-are you sure that was me? In his contacts?" I stuttered.

"Very sure! I looked at the number and it was yours." He grinned. "Satisfied now?"

"Are you sure sure that you're not lying to me, Haru?" I squinted my eyes. It's too good to be true.

"I am! I'll go talk to him right now if you don't wanna believe me!" He said as he was about to leave but before he can I already grabbed his wrist.

"No! No! That's too embarrassing."

He smirked, and sat back on his seat.

"Well, you better talk to him later or else I'll be the one to talk to him."

"Fine..." As I replied, Daisuke went inside the classroom.

"Oh look, your lo—" Before he can even continue, I smacked him making Daisuke's attention on us.

My eyes widened.

Shit! That was so unladylike!

Nooo! He's coming over to us.

With each step he took, I imagined the worse case scenarios.

Oh no, what if he tells me that he's not interested in me anymore? And that it was so unladylike!

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shi—

"Good morning, (Name)." He greeted.

"G-good morning, Daisuke." I looked away, flustered as I remembered Haru's words!

"Are you okay? Why are you red?" He was about to touch my forehead but I slapped his hand away.

He looked quite taken back. "No! I'm okay! I swear!"

"Okay," He nodded, frowning as he went to his seat.

Oh shit, did I make him upset?

"Earth to (Name). I'm still here." Haru spoke as he waved his hand in front of me.

I rolled my eyes as the teacher came in and started class.

"So you confronting him today?" Haru asked, as I was packing my things to leave.

"Yeah, I guess so." I replied as I glanced at Daisuke, who was also packing his things as well.

"Well good luck, I hope you two get together!" He grinned and saluted me before leaving.

Once I was done packing my things, I prayed to the gods that I won't embarrass myself today and went to Daisuke.

"Daisuke, can I talk to you for a s-second?"

He looked at me and spoke. "Sure,"

I looked at the surroundings and there were a few people left.

"Can we talk at the rooftop?" I asked.

"Okay." He agreed and we both went at the rooftop.

Shit! What now?! What do I do?

I led him to the rooftop, but now I don't know what to say to him!

"What is it, (Name)?" He asked.

Ugh! Fine! I'll do it!

"Uhm, what Haru said, is it t-true?" I looked down, blushing as I played with my hands.

"What did he say?" I swear I heard him smirking, if that's even possible.

I wish the ground would swallow me up whole.

"M-my nickname... On phone..." I can't even make a sentence clearly with how flustered I am!

"What's your nickname, (Name)?" He asked huskily.

Do I have to say it?!? It's too embarrassing!

"You know..." I glanced at him, only to see him smirking!

"What's your nickname, (Name)?" He stepped closer to me with a smirk on his face, while I took step backs with every step he took.

"D-do I have to say it?!" At this point, I was completely flustered so no wonder if he would point out that my face looks like a tomato.

His hands are on the wall, while I was pinned to the wall.

His face is so close that I can feel him breathing.

"What's your nickname, (Name)?" He spoke once again with a voice so deep and alluring.

"L-lover..." I looked away.

"Exactly. So that's why I can do this." Before I could even ask what he mean't by that, I felt his soft lips on me.

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