⤿ secretary ii / hc

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- oh shit, you caught feelings.

- with you finding out about your feelings for your boss, you didn't know what to do.

- were you supposed to act professional, or were you supposed to resign with ur newly found feelings for him?

- u didn't know, honestly

- it's not like u could ask for advice from your coworkers, you weren't THAT close w/ them.

- so, you ended up asking from ur best friend for advice.

- "dude... i think i got feelings for my boss." you said to your bff while sipping on your drink.

- "lol not my problem" jkjk

- "what?? how??" they asked you.

- "uhm... well... he's hot... and i just like him..." you continued on with more corny details as to why you fell for him.

- "what do i do, (friend)?!" u whined.

- "well, you said that he was getting way more talkative than before, right? and the fact that he joined the party back then for you even though he doesn't usually do that, right?" they analyzed, and you nodded.

- "i have come to the conclusion that: he either likes you therefore the special treatment, or you're just imagining it."

- "don't do that, (friend). don't give me hope," you sighed.

- "i am not? i just concluded that he either likes you or not."

- well, you could know if he likes you or not with the company outing happening soon.

- after a few weeks, it was already time for the company outing at the beach, and your boss, mr. kambe, really rented out a whole hotel for the whole employees. he really is the sugar daddy that you need.

- "room 704," was what the key says as you went on your way to the elevator.

- once you were inside the elevator, you were about to close it when someone held out their hand to stop the elevator from closing further.

- turns out, it was your boss.

- your eyes widened despite feeling nervous with him beside you, pressing on the seventh button indicating the seventh floor.

- the silence in the elevator was suffocating, and you had to verbally fan yourself with your hands even though it was no use.

- "are you okay, (surname)? do you want me to buy an aircon in the elevator? is it too hot?" your boss asked.

- "n-no! i'm fine, don't worry." you waved off his question. the fact that he offered to buy you an aircon just because you felt hot is so...

- "if you say so..."

- when you noticed that the elevator already reached the sixth floor was the only time you noticed that he still didn't press any buttons to get to his room.

- "um... are you perhaps in the seventh floor, too?"

- it took him awhile before answering. "...yeah."

- oh, shit.

- what came after he responded was also silence that you felt more than happy when the door opened already, leaving him behind to get to your room.

DETECTIVE ; daisuke kambe Where stories live. Discover now