⤿ feel

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He looked at me darkly while he was on top of me, his legs between my thighs.

"Daisuke..." I whispered lazily.

He muttered curses under his breath before giving me kisses.

His kisses were hard and desperate, like he can't get enough of me.

His hands were all over me now, his left hand is on my boob while the other is caressing the side of my stomach.

I moaned quite loudly when he inserted his hand inside my bra while I put my arms on his neck.

He stopped kissing me on my lips to kiss me on the neck instead all the while he was massaging my breast.

My hands went on his hair to pull because of the pleasure he's giving me.

"D-Daisuke..." I moaned.

Suddenly he bit me.

Pain and pleasure washed over me, loving the feeling he's giving me.

While I was drowning from his neck kisses, I didn't notice that he already removed my pants, with my panties intact. Same goes with my bra.

I moaned so loud when his long and slender fingers touched the center, making me shocked.

I was facing the mirror closet in his room and that's why I can see the reflection of what we're doing making me blush.

He parted what was hiding my center and fingered me down there expertly and I couldn't help my moans as he made me wetter and wetter.

"Ah! Daisuke!" i moaned just beside his ear and that made him lose control.

He inserted his finger inside pleasuring and giving pain at the same time. But he did it so swiftly because I was so freaking wet because of him.

"Shit... You're so wet for me, baby..." (OMG IM CRINGING SO BAD SKRJFJFJFK)

I can feel his finger moving inside of me, and the pleasure I felt was unimaginable so imagine the pleasure I felt when he inserted another finger and started pumping faster and faster that it even created a sound!

"Daisuke!" I cried.

My lower body went up and my legs were shaking and I couldn't help but moan at this point. As I reach my peak, his mouth replaced his fingers and ate me expertly just like what he did with his fingers.

He thrusted his tongue inside me while his fingers did magic at the same time.

"D-Daisuke..." I moaned, so out of strength.

When I felt it coming, I tried to push his head away but he was too strong for me.

I pulled his hair while I felt it coming down, but he still continued to lick it until there was nothing left.

"You taste sweet."

His stare was intense and dark.

And he couldn't take it any longer.

He removed my hand on his forcefully and switched our position, then inserted his manhood gently in me but it still made me moan in pain.

I was facing front on the mirror closer, so I could see his bulging biceps and his butt.

"I love you,"

While waiting for me to adjust he kept biting my neck to shoulders, leaving some marks on them but I didn't mind as I was drunk in pain.

I tried to move but his hands put my hips in place to stop me from moving. I thought that he was going to wait for a few seconds but I was very wrong.

He started moving in a fast and hard rhythm, his jaw clenching as my legs are spread very wide open for him while he was kneeling, his hands on my hips.

"Daisuke!" I moaned.

His face down below his chest was red, while facing the ceiling.

"Ah! Ah!" I moaned when I felt the release.

But he didn't stop. If possible, his thrusts got even faster.

He thrusted faster and faster despite the fact that I was already sore and I felt the third wave hitting me.

I felt my climax and he followed afterwards, releasing his seed inside me but he was still pumping but slower.

Once he releasing everything, he layed down beside me, his arms on my stomach as he whispered.

"You're the only woman who made me feel this way, ever..." He kissed my cheek.

DETECTIVE ; daisuke kambe Where stories live. Discover now