⤿ office

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PROMPT : "Keep quiet. You don't want others to hear us, do you?"

Requested by: too lazy to screenshot and crop all of you oof

"Ms. (Surname), Sir Kanbe has asked to see you." Your coworker said and you sighed in annoyance as your boss, or better yet— boyfriend, had called you in his office for the nth time.

"I'll be there in a minute." You replied to them, and you fixed your things first before you stood up and left to go to his office.

You angrily stomped as you walked over to his office, and once you were in front of the door you took a deep breath before knocking.

"It's open." Daisuke said from the other side of the door.

You opened the door and walked in his large office, and you found Daisuke to be just sitting his ass on his chair, staring at you with his face resting on his palm.

You looked at him with arched brows. "What?"

He smirked. "Well, I just wanted to see you."

You rolled your eyes at his attempt to flirt, but you know him too well. "This is the ninth time you've called for me in your office, Daisuke."

"I did, but you leave after a minute of making out with me."

You glared at him for what he said. "I'm leaving."

You were about to turn on your heels and leave his office when you were suddenly stopped by him as he held your wrist, pinning you to the door. Your eyes widened.

"Stay with me for a bit." He smirked, and you know that it won't just be staying with him. But you still wanted to do what he wanted.

He leaned down and kissed you because of the height difference, as he started to roam his hands around your body.

You moaned under his touch as you completely gave up, your arms on his neck as you pulled him in closer.

"Jump." He commanded and you did, your legs on his hips as he led you to his table, setting you on the table as important papers fell from the ground.

You pulled away as he started unbuttoning your long sleeved shirt, and you were quite hesitant because the door was left unlocked.

"Wait, Daisuke— the door..."

He stopped what he was doing and glanced at the door for a second before turning back to you to continue what he was doing.

You glared at him. "Daisuke. The door."

He looked at you lazily as he started to remove your pencil skirt now. "Just be quiet and no one will be suspicious. It's not like someone's going to come in unless they have my permission."

And thrusted his finger in you.

You were way too far gone now to care if someone comes in or not as you were focused on the pleasure Daisuke was giving you.

"Daisuke..." You whispered as he inserted another finger.

"Ahh—!" You stopped yourself from moaning as you put your hands on your mouth to stop any sound from coming out.

Suddenly, you heard him unbuckling his belt and before you know it, he was thrusting his lightsaber in you.

You moaned so loud that you couldn't stop yourself as he started to thrust in you in an unbelievable fast pace as he didn't give you time to adjust from the pleasure.

"Keep quiet, baby. You don't want others to hear us, do you?" He said as he rested his hand on your lower stomach, feeling how deep he is.

You bit your lip as you suppressed your moans, too high from the pleasure as you came with his hand on your mouth.

He followed soon afterwards, coming inside you as he sloppily thrusted.

He pulled out, and his essence and yours was mixed inside you.

"I just hope that no one heard me..." You whispered to yourself.


"Hey, boss, do you have— what the fuck?!" Haru suddenly barged in the room with you and Daisuke going at it for the fourth time.

Daisuke was glaring at him but paid no mind as he continued.

"What are you doing? Leave."

DETECTIVE ; daisuke kambe Where stories live. Discover now