⤿ height difference / hc

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height differences headcanons dating daisuke

this is very short but whateva enjoy !!

so we all know daisuke is 5'6 right

yeah i was also shocked when i knew that lmfao i thought he was 5'9

but 5'8 w/ elevated shoes as what the wiki says (source used: https://fugou-keiji-balance-unlimited.fandom.com/wiki/Daisuke_Kambe)

so what would daisuke be like as your s/o when u're taller, shorter, or the same height as him?

- in all honesty, i feel like daisuke would love someone taller than him lmfaoaoao. i just know that he's most likely a switch ,,, don't @ me. so if u're taller than him, i just know he'll love u more. not that if u're the same height as him or shorter than him doesn't mean he'll love u less. he lowkey loves it when u r in control but he won't say it since his pride is high

"can you stop doing that, daisuke?" you glared at him. he was endlessly teasing you since the start of the party.

"stop what?" he acted innocent and continued to tease you.

you had enough of him. sighing, you grabbed his wrist and pinned him to the wall.

"what the hell, (name)?" daisuke said out of shock, although he lowkey liked it lmfao

- when you're the same height as him, he loves it how easy it is to kiss you. since you're the same height as him, he doesn't have to really do much work and just needs to grab you by the neck and pull you close to him as he kisses you. he also loves the fact that he can just kiss your neck without having to lean down that much. but he really prefers it when u're on top of him.

"(name), c'mere." daisuke says, gesturing his hand for you to come at him.

he was currently sat at the couch, his legs spread widely as you went to him. you sat on his lap, and he immediately circled his arms at your waist.

"can you be obedient for me, hmm?"

- HEAR ME OUT,,, when you're shorter than him, he finds it cute when u have to tiptoe or sumth just to kiss him. there's just smth about you wanting to kiss him that just makes him,,, ugh. ig he feels proud abt the fact that there's someone shorter than him, and he doesn't have to feel inferior

"daisuke, wait!" you made him stop in his tracks, grabbing his wrist. he was already in front of you, and since you two were climbing the staircase in the park he was taller than you.

"what?" he arched his brows, turning to look at you.

you only gave him a cheeky smile before going up to a higher staircase, and you faced him. he was already face to face with you.

and with that, you pulled his necktie and kissed him.

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