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"(Name), I like you. Go out with me."


Did Daisuke just confess to me?

"Are you confessing to me?" My brows furrowed, confused.

"No. I'm saying that you should go out with me." He said— matter of factly.

This sadist! I didn't even give him an answer!

"Where to?" I acted confused, annoyed with the fact that he's ordering me to go out with him!

Now, it was his turn for his brows to furrow. "What?"

"What do you mean go out? Where do you want to go out?" I cleared.

"I meant that you should become my girlfriend, (Name)." He seriously said.

That took me aback, not expecting that he would reply straightforwardly.

Nevertheless I got my composure and answered, quite flustered.

"I'm sorry, Daisuke. But I don't see you that way..." I answered while looking down.

I mean, I do think he's handsome and hot and sexy and all that—! But that's too embarrassing to tell him.

Hearing silence, I looked up at him to see a determined face.

"What must I do to make you like me, then?" He asked seriously.


"I'm asking you what I should do to make you like me back."

"I-I don't know! You're making me flustered with that question." I looked away, covering my blushing face with my hand.

"Oh, sorry. When are you free?" He asked.

"Uh, tomorrow. Why?"

"Let's go out tomorrow."

There's no reason for me to reject him, and I do kind of want to be with him... just look at that face, man!

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