⤿ first date

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The first date with Daisuke, you can say the least is... expensive. He had decided to rent out a whole 5 star restaurant just for the two of you, which you complained to him by the way. So after eating out with him despite being conscious about the price it costed him, you asked him to go to the park with you. And that was where your first kiss was with him.

It didn't shock you when he knew how to kiss, but you only stood there while he did all the work since you didn't really know how to kiss.

The first kiss was chaste and passionate, and once he pulled away he whispered on to you. "I really... want to brag you to others. Can I?"

You blushed at what he said. He was basically implying that he wants to be your boyfriend..!

To hide your cheeks being red, you hugged him. "Okay."

With what you said, his heart beat fast.


His reaction made you laugh. "Really. I want to brag you to others, too."

"Then, doesn't that mean I can post you on my socials, too?"

"Whatever floats your boat, but I have to be the one to choose what you post when you post me!" You pouted. You didn't want him posting your bitch resting face, after all.

"Okay." He pecked your lips again, and that made you blush.

"The hell," You looked at him weirdly despite liking the
feeling of his lips on yours. He grinned cheekily and pecked your lips a few more times.

"You're so adorable."

"I know." You said, grinning at him cheekily. "One more kiss?"

He laughed, leaning closer to you and hugged you tighter. His hand went to your nape, leaning in, he pressed his lips to yours as your lips synchronized. He bit your bottom lip, inserting his tongue inside. You opened your eyes in shock as you didn't expect that.

He pulled away after a few moments, with you catching your breath, feeling flustered. "W-What was that? I didn't expect that..."

He smirked at what you said and replied. "Well, you'd have to get used to it, then."

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