⤿ jealousy

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Daisuke was never the type to show his jealousy.

In public, that is.

So whenever someone tries to hit on me and Daisuke is informed somehow, he shows his emotions towards me in bed.

So here I am, in a fancy restaurant, about to go back to Daisuke until someone stopped me in my tracks.

A random guy, who looked in his 20's or so, who I admit do look good, is trying to hit on me.

"Hey, mind if I get your number?" He asked, smiling.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm with my boyfriend." I was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist and insisted.

"I'm just getting your number, can't you give me your number?!" He glared at me.

The fuck, man? This is so not cool.

I was about to retaliate when suddenly someone removed his grip on mines with a menacing aura.

"What the fuck are you trying to do?" There he was, my boyfriend, glaring at the dude who was trying to hit on me.

The poor guy was obviously scared, his eyes wide with horror.

"S-sorry!! I didn't know she was taken!" He spoke quickly and ran away.

Didn't know? Didn't the very first thing I said to him was that I had a boyfriend?

Sigh. Men are trash.

I looked over at Daisuke, who was still glaring at the man.

"Daisuke," I called and got his attention.

"Are you okay?" Was the very first thing he asked  me.

I smiled at him, reassuring him that I am fine. "Yeah. I told him I had a boyfriend, but he wouldn't let go."

"Do you want me to kill him?" He smiled.

My brows furrowed at his question.

"No! Don't kill him."

"Why? I'm so annoyed by the fact that someone tried hitting on you that I feel like killing him."

"Can we just go and eat?"


After we finished eating, he paid for the food as he said that it was his treat and we went back to his car.

He opened the door for me and I went inside, saying thank you.

He went to his side and then went inside the car.

He opened the AC and then put my stuff at the back of the car and for a good thirty seconds, did nothing. Breaking the silence, I spoke.


In which I got cut off by a kiss. He puts his hand on the wall of the door as he kissed me deeply and his other hand on the back of my neck.

I quickly regained my composure as I kissed him back with the same intensity, our tongues touching each other as he won, dominating the kiss making me moan.

He lifted me off the car seat like I lifted nothing, and made me sit on his lap with my legs between his without breaking the kiss as I put my arms at the back of his neck deepening the kiss even more.

Once I couldn't breathe I pulled away from him and he kissed down below my jawline to my neck, his tongue doing magic as I pulled his hair because of the pleasure I was feeling and moaned as he sucked and bit on my sensitive spot.

"You like that?" He whispered huskily, his eyes boring into mine as he looked at me filled with lust and love, his lips plump and red due to the kiss we shared earlier.

"Way more than you think I do." I replied- not familiar with my own voice as I heard it rather bold and seductive. And kissed.

He kissed back when I kissed him, His fingers wandering everywhere my body, his hands palming my breasts inside my crop top as he squeezed it, making me moan in the kiss.

His hands left my breasts as he grabbed my hips, pulling me right where he was rock hard.

And somehow I didn't pull away- I can't think straight as I focused on the pleasure he was giving me. I didn't want to stop.

We were both sweating despite the fact that the AC was on full blast.

His luscious lips were on my neck once again, sucking and biting once again.

He was about to unbotton my pants when he came to his conscience.

"Fuck, (Name). Let's stop right here." Daisuke breathed heavily and I still couldn't process his words.

About half a minute or so of regaining our breaths, I finally came to realization of what his words mean.

Man, I lowkey wanted to continue.

"What was that?" I laughed.

"Sorry, I was jealous. I still am." He admitted.

I grinned at him.

"You can take me later."

"Don't mind if I do."

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