⤿ cheater

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PROMPT : "You make me feel like I'm not good enough."
"Don't you dare leave me, (Name). Not now."

+ ladies, if u're in a toxic relationship, don't hesitate to leave their sorry ass ❤️

For the past few weeks, you have noticed that your boyfriend of two years, Kambe Daisuke, has been way more distant and cold than before.

Was he like this before? No. He would always give the best of efforts to your relationship, spoiling you, and doing what he can just to make you happy. You both rarely had arguments, because he can't stay mad at you for long and when you're mad at him, he quickly finds his way and apologizes to you.

You could say that... he was the definition of the perfect boyfriend. With his perfect face, his intelligence that you find so hot in guys, his wealth, and his deep voice... isn't he the perfect boyfriend material? You were lucky enough to be able to captivate him into your arms and be yours.

But you didn't feel that way at all anymore.

You didn't feel lucky. You don't feel lucky anymore. He was always avoiding your touch like the plague, and you don't even feel like you were his girlfriend anymore. Heck, you two haven't been in contact for the past few weeks and you wondered why. You were desperate to know why.

If that was his way to make known that you two have broken up, then that way was dumb as fuck because the last time you two have spoken, you were in bed with him. He would be too much of a jerk if he does end up breaking up with you in the end.

Sure, you weren't the perfect girlfriend, and you didn't have the most attractive face either, but you did your best to be his girlfriend. You tried your all just to make him satisfied.

But a thought in your mind lingers about the possibility that he's cheating on you. Wasn't he making it too obvious? Or was he making it known to you that he's tired of you, and he wants to end your relationship?

There's no way. He loves you, right?


You couldn't help but doubt.

Here you were, in a five-star restaurant, waiting for him to show up as you sat in your seat. You promised each other through text that you'd have a date here today with him, even though you shared an apartment together. He was already five minutes late, but it's fine. It's fine. You could wait a little longer. Maybe he had an undeniable circumstance that he couldn't ignore, making him late. It's fine, you would understand.

But minutes have passed, an hour even, and you were getting a lot of stares already from the others. You were getting humiliated and embarrassed by their sympathetic stares because they knew and even you knew that you were stood up.

With tears forming in your eyes, you calmed yourself and got your phone out to text Daisuke. You expected that at least a notification from him would pop up but there wasn't a single notification from him. Still, you texted him.

Where are you, babe?

It took him a bit to reply, replying a few minutes later.

DETECTIVE ; daisuke kambe Where stories live. Discover now