⤿ maybe i'm not enough?

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PROMPT : "You're perfect the way you are, baby."

For all the people who's insecure about themselves, I dedicate this oneshot to you ♥️

For the longest time, you've been insecure about yourself. Not just physically, but in other aspects too.

You've always been insecure about your size. You wonder how life would be if you had a better-looking body, and if you would have more confidence in yourself wearing a revealing dress that looked elegant. Things may no doubt get better, considering that pretty privilege exists. Everything in your life would be better.

You didn't have the clearest skin. You had stretch marks everywhere on your body, body hair, pimples, acnes, and many more. You tried to do skincare, but it didn't had a single effect on your skin.

You also didn't have the most beautiful hair in the world, either. You hated how frizzy it looked, but you can't do anything about it because it was the way you were born.

You weren't the brightest kid back then in school either, with you getting average scores or satisfactory grades. And you were fine with it. But you always had that thought, 'What if I did better? Would I be more contented with myself?'

These imperfections you had made you wonder how Daisuke had fallen for you. You have a lot of insecurities about yourself, but never once did you show him how insecure you were about yourself as you always masked up how you felt with a fake confident smile.

You joined Daisuke in a party as he asked you to accompany him— and you couldn't say no to his request.

For you, it was the worst decision ever.

Your insecurities had started to hit you as many world's standards beautiful women were here and there. Just standing there, with the dream body you've ever dreamed of. And you hated it. You hated how the world can be so unfair.

"Are you okay, baby?" Daisuke asked you as he noticed you were staring a lot to the women, and you quickly looked at him and smiled reassuringly.

"I'm fine."

His brows arched neither way, when suddenly, a woman with your ideal looks and body came up to Daisuke.

"Oh my god... Kageyama, is that you?" The woman says in English, catching the attention of Daisuke. You could understand English, since you were taught.


His brows furrowed— a sign that he was confused. He didn't know who she was.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Daisuke replied in English.

The lady continued to ignore you despite his arm on your waist and covered her mouth using her hand, pretending to be shocked.

"Oh! Pardon my rudeness. We hooked up once in England. You introduced yourself as Kageyama." Your eyes widened. You knew that Daisuke was quite a playboy back then in England, but you didn't expect to meet one of his flings, either. Though you knew that, you felt a slice in your heart. The difference between you and his fling was obvious.

Daisuke looked at you awkwardly, and back to her. "I have a girlfriend."

As if you suddenly appeared in her sight, she finally looked at you. "Oh my...! I'm sorry about that. It seems like... your lover isn't that eye catching."

Daisuke immediately glared at her coldly. "Please refrain from saying rude comments to my girlfriend."

She rolled her eyes. "Well then, I'll be leaving."

Once she was out of sight, you didn't notice that you were already tearing up by the time she was gone.

"Hey... I'm sorry abou— (Name)? Are you okay?" Daisuke turned to look at you, and was shocked to see you crying.

You weren't even this sensitive. Since when were you petty enough to cry about these stupid little things?

Oh, yeah. You kept it in yourself too much that you just needed to release all of the negative emotions you felt about yourself.

You bit your lip, looking at Daisuke. "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for what?" He asked, hugging you.

"I'm so sorry for crying. I just... feel bad. I wanna go home."

Your statement had hit Daisuke like a truck. He realized why you were being like this. Your often glances at other women, your habit of consciously fixing your dress even if it was neat already, and just the incident from a minute ago.

"Did I ever tell you that you are beautiful?"

Your eyes widened with his sudden question. Still sobbing, you replied. "Yeah, many times..."

"Then why are you crying? You know to yourself that you are beautiful."

You looked away at him. "I have a lot of imperfections, Daisuke."

"And that's what makes you beautiful. You may call it an imperfection, but to me, that's what makes you perfect to me. Your imperfections are natural and beautiful, and that's what makes you, you. That's what made you stronger. That's what made you the best version of yourself. So please don't say that, (Name). You're perfect the way you are, baby."

You felt your eyes heat up with what he said, as tears pooled your eyes and hugged him tight. "I love you."

"I love you." He whispered, kissing your forehead.


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