⤿ heather

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Songfic: Heather — Conan Gray
Lifetime — Ben&Ben

scenario: just imagine that daisuke has moved to japan during high school and y'all met when you were normal teenagers,, basically an au

Paper planes and porcelain
Smell of rain through the window pane
And the sight of you
Oh, you were a good dream

I still remember the first time I met you.

It was in a coffee shop where I was with my best friend, Heather. She was ordering coffee for the both of us as I waited for her, staring out the window enjoying the view as the rain poured and the cars moved. The smell of petrichor can be smelled through the window pane.

I smiled as I felt peaceful just by watching the rain pour.

But what caught my attention amidst the pouring of the rain was you.

You walked through the neighborhood with an umbrella above your head, sheltering you from the raindrops as an emotionless expression from your face can be seen.

You looked straight out of a television, you looked ethereal.

I never believed in love at first sight. But how is it possible that I fell in love with you, a mere stranger who I saw passing by the busy streets?

Maybe it was because of your physical looks, but I definitely didn't think that my feelings for you would grow deeper.

After all, who would expect to know someone to transfer in your schools at the middle of semester who you met in the streets?

I still remember
Third of December
Me in your sweater
You said it looked better
On me, than it did you

You transferred during the middle of the semester. You introduced yourself as "Daisuke Kambe". I still remember the faces of our classmates when they saw you. They looked so mesmerized by you. Your hair was down back then. How much has changed since we grew up?

I remember how shocked I was back then because of the crazy coincidence.

The teacher made you sit next to me, because it was the only available seat.

We weren't in good terms but not on bad terms either back then, not because we hated each other, but because we were awkward with each other.

Not so soon after your transfer, rumors went out about you being the 'hot new transferee', causing you to become popular.

You were very annoyed by that. But you ignored them, because you were... Daisuke. And you had Haru, your best friend, to cope with them.

But one day, you suddenly talked to me.

I still remember when I borrowed your sweater because it was so damn cold inside the classroom during the winter and the heater wasn't working. You said you noticed how I was shivering because of the cold. That was embarrassing.

I didn't expect that at all.

I told you it was fine, but you insisted. So I had no choice but to borrow it.

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