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Personality Switch: Tsundere Daisuke
AU: High school

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"You know, I feel like Daisuke is staring at you a little too much." My best friend told me.

"What? No way." I denied as I casually looked over to where Daisuke was sat at, the noise in the cafeteria booming in my ear.

We made eye contact and once I did, he looked away very quickly with a blush on his face. My eyes widened.

I looked back at (Best friend's Name), to find her smirking. "See? I told you."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence..." I tried to deny.

"Haven't you caught him staring at you in class, too? I know you have." She pushed even further, but I myself can't even deny that as I remember the times I had caught him staring at me.

It was a sunny day during P.E class. The boys were on the other side of the track not so far from us while the girls were on the opposite side.

I was getting ready and since it was sunny, and considering the fact that we were going to be running means that it'd get all sticky and sweaty.

Wanting to lessen the stickiness, I decided to tie my long hair in to a ponytail but as I was doing so, I noticed that Daisuke, the popular guy in my class, was staring at me as I tied my hair.

We made eye contact, and I smiled at him but he just looked away with a blush on his face as he talked to others.

Another circumstance where I noticed him staring at him was when we were in class.

I tried to focus at what the teacher was saying but as much as I wanted to, I couldn't as I was sleepy as hell. My eyes felt droopy.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed someone staring at me.

His head was down with his face facing my side, which made it even more obvious that he was staring at me.

But once as I looked back at him, he closed his eyes and pretended that he was sleeping as he slowly faced his book, which was covering his head.

I bit my lip and tried to contain my laugh.

My thoughts went away as I was distracted when suddenly someone sat beside me and (Best friend's Name). Haru sat beside me as he put his arms around my neck and a random guy who was in class sat beside (Best friend's Name).

"Hey, (Name)." Haru grinned and I glared at him.

"What do you want?" I glared at him.

"Someone wants to talk to you." Haru grinned even more.


"I don't want to talk to her, Haru!" I looked over to who spoke, to find Daisuke going over to us with a face a deep shade of red.

"But I didn't say that you wanted to talk to her." Haru retorted.

"What is it that you want?" I looked away at Daisuke and pushed Haru away from me.

"I-I'm sorry about this, (Name)!" Daisuke apologized.

"You coward. Just say what you want to say to her." The random guy beside (Best friend's Name) spoke.

"I have nothing to say, you idiot!" Daisuke glared at him, looking at me with a sorry look.

Haru just sighed and finally stood up, along with the random guy. "You wasted your chance." Haru spoke with so much disappointment and left with Daisuke.

"W-What do you mean?" He replied as he looked back at me.


"What do you think he wanted to say?" I asked my best friend.

"Probably to confess." She replied and I choked on my food.

"Nah, no way."

I continued eating until it was finally time for classes to start again, as nothing uneventful happened until the end of classes.

I was packing my bag, getting ready to leave when Daisuke went in front of my desk.

"Um, (Name)." Daisuke called.

"Yes?" I smiled at him.

"I'm really sorry for what happened a few hours ago..."

"It's fine! What did you want to say to me?" I asked him, curious as to what he was going to tell me.

"N-Nothing! I-I don't!" He stuttered.


"Daisuke, do you like me?" I finally asked him.

"W-W-What do you mean I like you?! I don't like you!" He stuttered so bad, he looked so flustered. "I-I mean, I don't not like you! I like you!" He added.

I smirked. "I like you too, Daisuke. Do you wanna go out with me?"




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