livetweeting(?) learning about biokinesis

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i'm gonna just learn about biokinesis because i should probably know that
and i'm going to live(tweet? chat? write? idk) it because idk what else to do

alright so i also have a physical notebook in front of me i'm also writing this stuff in so this is also gonna be me trying to compile everything from my sources into something in my own words for my notes.

my current source is "a guide for avians" on this site by smol_avian_child (if you ever see this then hello friend !!)

"biokinesis is most often done during mediation" fuck me i am literally incapable of doing that. we're 3 sentences in and i've already failed

"it can change eye color" yeah i've ranted to piper about random things and i used that as an example to tell her about how it works

"basically everything in ur body can be manipulated" hey i really hate how my voice sounds (especially on recording like holy shit how did anyone watch my streams when they had to listen to that) maybe i can make my voice deeper :D it'd also help for gender stuff !!

"how is it possible that a sugar pill could relieve pain just because you thought it would" me saying i'm ok like

"it's the same thing with biokinesis but just with conscious decision" this just reminds me of like how i've been procrastinating on learning any of this stuff for over a year like conscious decision my ass
i was gonna make a joke about it instead of just explain it but i couldn't think of anything

"to preform biokinesis, you will need to mediate" FUCK AGAIN IS THIS NECESSARY??? am i allowed to skip biokinesis or is it required because i possibly have undiagnosed adhd and even if i don't i can't focus enough to sit straight for 30 seconds. and my posture is already REALLY bad so idk what i'm gonna do here

"you need to be able to focus entirely on biokinesis" i literally only have the mental capacity for minecraft NEXT-

hey spotifiers
that's not like part of the notes or anything i'm just pissed that they give you ads mid podcast now
wait no the podcast ended fuck me


i think i'm gonna put together the first paragraph of my notes now

uh thank you for reading this sorta cringy dumpster fire of some notes, i'm just thinking out loud here but i hope you enjoyed my loud thinking i guess. now don't forget to drink water and take ur meds !!


edit: i just realized it's not live(ANYTHING) because it's not live??? why did i think it was this isn't twitter ur not reading this in an ongoing thread wtf

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