hey ladies

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im coming back rn because im bored out of my mind and my mom thinks im doing work. i don't actually have any progress to report (been really busy lately), so i'll just give a little life update to share that i'm not dead.

thursday last week, i was sent home from school early because of close contact on tuesday with someone who tested positive. the school won't call my mom back to get me tested (they said they would), and IF i test negative, i can't come back to school until the EIGHTEENTH. i am very bored home without jimmy*.

*piper changed his preferred name and pronouns btw !! Jimmy he/him

anyways what's also happened is (obviously with the title) a hyperfixation on ivorycello came and went. PLS PLS PLS listen to her music it slaps. and then my other hypferfix was joel smallishbeans. i like mcyts that have every disease :).

small timeskip i just got back from the store with acnh !! i played it before but it was my brother's copy and hes a little bitch who wont let me play it anymore. he lost it AND botw (which ISNT his game) and won't let me play ac because i wont let him play mario party which belongs to me. 

SO i'm currently waiting for acnh to download, and i'm listening to vocaloid rn but i'll probably switch it to subs or a playlist that fits my island vibe (a forestcore island called revived :D)

i hope you have a good day !! i have an announcement to make as well so i'll talk about that in the next chapter. that might be like 10 minutes or 3 days depending on how long animal crossing takes to download lol. see u eventually :DDDD

edit, 5/22: rereading this i remembered ivory came out so i changed her name and pronouns

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