ouch ooh owie

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not fun time smh.
so some stuff has happened fairly recently. one thing; i've switched two of my classes. ASL 2 for stress management and then digital art intro to floral design. it's been kinda hard to adjust because i joined halfway through week 2, but floral has been really fun !! stress management though eh. jimmy's had it the whole time so every time i say something he's like "but thats just normal what", but im going insane so i need to talk about it.

something about it freaks me out. i have a note about it lemme find it. okay first of all: big windowless room on the second floor. the floor is wrestling mats and there's 1 door on either side. the lighting is also weird but that's just confusing. one thing we have to do is lie flat on our backs for 10 minutes, not doing anything. we aren't allowed to wear shoes in the room either. and the thing that just makes me go "ehhhh" is the yoga. we do yoga yk. it makes my wings nubs hurt like HELL. that mixed with the windowless high up room, the weird lighting, the floor that's impossible to run on, and the "lie flat on your back for 10 minutes at a time" all just makes me feel weird.

i have one more big thing to talk about, i had a weird and funky dream last night. it's hard to explain the plot (which isnt relevant to why i want to talk about it), but i feel like i should anyways.
one thing i remember is an auditorium kinda place. the walls were empty and beige like a classroom and the lights were on. i think there was someone standing at the very bottom speaking, but i wasn't facing them. the seats were a semi circle and the bottom platform was part of the wall.
i remember multiple other people i've spoken to coming and going a whole lot. they felt hollow, but not in a dream kind of way. more like a moon blinked way. i don't know how else to describe it. the whole place felt weird and it felt like everyone was being moon blinked or something. almost everyone i've spoken to died. if i remember correctly, you were taken into another room and left alone, and eventually you would just drop dead. it was probably some kind of poison. i remember how they tried to kill me once but it didn't work so they stopped bothering.

the most important part of this is: i had wings in this dream. they felt real too. the dream took place over i think several weeks, as when i woke up, it felt weird to not have them anymore. i remember they were sandy colored i THINK night gliders.

i've had a lot of dreams where i had wings. i used to have them all the time when i was in early-mid elementary school. and they were gold. and now in this dream, they were blond. maybe my wings will be blond instead of brown? i'm not sure what to think of it. i think they're night gliders too. funky, owls are my favourite birds :D. i would've picked night glider wings if i could, so i'm happy if those are what i get !! sand is also a nice color, i prefer my blond hair to my brown anyway.

thank u for reading mwah pls go drink some water goodbye :DDDDDD


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