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i'm going to be rather inactive for a month or two !! i'm sorry i can't really do anything about it. i'm moving to the other side of the U.S and that's sorta taking up all of my thoughts and energy. so even though my schedule isn't different, i can't really focus enough on the whole avian thing so my activity both here and on youtube will slow down a whole lot for a bit. everything will be back to normal in i'm gonna assume mid november? but 100% by christmas. 

so now that that's out of the way, i have a bit to talk about. and my attention will STILL be split because i'm listening to chuckle sandwich :]

so today i went out school clothes shopping, my grandma took me and my siblings and she's great :D but while we were at the mall i noticed something.

at the mall, there's a bungee trampoline in the food court. in case you've never seen one, they're basically a little trampoline with this huge framework of bungee cords, where you get strapped to a harness around your legs and the cords tighten so you can jump super high.

so i go onto the bungee trampoline. my thoughts were honestly about how like this is as close as i'm going to get for a bit to actually fly. this is the closest thing i have to feeling like i already have wings. but when i actually did it, idk how to explain it, and my phrasing sounds a bit pretentious, but it almost felt like "artificial flight" like i was going off the ground and all but it didn't feel right. honestly saying it like that doesn't either lol "do you ever get CoLlEcToRs AnXiEtY"

i feel so stupid talking like this holy fucking shit.

ANYWAYS it was just weird so i felt like saying it. at least otherwise i had a very good time at the mall.

i just zoned back into the podcast to hear ted say "my glorious COCK" so i'm zoning back out.

i'll probably come back later tonight and make another chapter because i finally feel like trying to meditate and DO THINGS but i'm only saying it here so that it can be held against me when i inevitably don't.

back real fast on the inactivity point. i'm ALSO starting high school a week from today and i still need a haircut and i still need to hang out with my friends and i have therapy after school so i am going to be very busy so even if i wasn't moving i'd still be a bit ia this next week anyways lol

sorry for going on for so long but i'm happy u read it anyways :D go drink some water pls !!

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