Ok gonna do things now

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alright so i wrote that, added the meme and then went to bed and had a bad time so NOW i'm actually doing things.

so school exists and it's a lot of the reason why i've been real inactive D: i'm srry for it /gen because of my efforts to care about school (mixed with my usual stresses, moving, and therapy), the ENTIRE avian picture's completely slipped my mind.

in fact, i've been more focused on becoming a magical girl these days. just something 've been more surrounded by as of late so it's been on the head.

i should probably give an update to any sort of avian progress i've had:
while me and my sister walk to and from school, my backpack starts to burn my upper back and i don't get why. like it isn't even really touching my back there but it starts to burn real bad about 3/4 of the way there or so.

i think that's it actually? i've had some other things going on that could be related but i don't feel i should talk about that yet

i also redid my playlist and put it on spotify. but i couldn't figured out how to use the podcasts so i used the local files, so u can't listen to it unless you've downloaded the videos they came from. and i don't really feel like posting the specific files so i'll link the playlist on yt as well :D

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNLmX0_4JEg6XNO-vG2vcCxRmZQ8Wb3Pe

Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/76ebOW8Ofow2lzSbCP95SK?si=0069bfb25e1a418a

ok i think that's all i needed to say ? i haven't been here in so long mate i don't really remember how it works yk

oh i do have one thing to say: i have an mc server i'm a bit lonely on with only a friend so if u have discord and minecraft java then friend me @ Tommy Flyaway#6718 (bit ia there so it'll take me a bit) and check digigom.aternos.me occasionally to see if me and tyr are playing on it !!

alright now i'm done go eat something now pls ilysm !! /p


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