I'm back!

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hi hi hello !!! im currently updating on my phone because the movers came today and packed everything up and im SO bored. i decided to update while i wait for my switch to redownload sky cotl .

if you haven't read my kitsune journal, i decided that being a kitsune (what i took a break from growing wings to do) wasn't what i wanted. i came back here because i realized that having wings would make me the happiest.

i used a flush to remove all of my sub results to restart my journey and i waited until the third to start, since eotf's avian sub came out then. big issue though. i've gotten ZERO results. like not even anything in mentality, no phantom wings either. im a bit worried, but i think i'll figure it out.

i've paused right now since i'm moving and have limited internet n shit. i'm also horribly bored so expect me to come back every once in a while for a week or so with life updates.

alright, just wanted to tell u all where i was! i hope you have a good day!


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