i am researching immortality

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i know that's not really a thing to be achieved but it seems fun to research anyways. i'd have an amazing plan on my life if i could become immortal. i would learn more magic than i already know and do things like travel through dimensions and make friends and say goodbye to them and even though it would hurt with my abandonment issues it just sounds fun to do forever. u can tell because the fictional characters who's lives i romanticize are like c!techno and eda from toh. 

so i've decided to start researching immortality and the science of it to see if it might be somewhat achievable. the idea of death doesn't fear me, but it feels more of an inconvenience. i've better start learning on how to move through dimensions or make pocket universes i guess, though the idea of reality shifting and things like that is scary to me. just passing through dimensions or going to my own little clubhouse world sounds a lot safer and more comfortable.

if i could ever follow through with the "travelling immortal magical nomad" i would give up my possibility of growing wings in an instant. i want wings for the excitement and the feeling of being alive. i want the thrill of knowing it's all going to be over and that my life is so short and to enjoy it by flying through the sky and letting the wing chill my bones. i'd love to feel that forever, but if i have to give the ideas of that up for this plan i came up with today, i'd do that with no second thought.

sorry for ranting my parents were fighting and i was trying to drown them out with my thoughts i love u /p goodnight !!

-tommy "travelling immortal magical nomad" flyaway

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