so uh hi i'm back

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how long have i been gone ? few weeks ? oh shit that's a month uh

hello friends i'm sorry i've been gone for so long. i just remembered the existence of my entire wattpad so i'm here to maybe give u a little life update or whatever

not related to any avian stuff but I GOT A RANBOO PLUSH !!! boo's my favorite streamer so i was really excited when my mom said i could get a plush. it was rlly stressful when it came out because ofc they sell out in like 10 minutes but when they dropped my mom wasn't home so i had to wait like 20 minutes. and as of writing this they're surprisingly still in stock
i got the ranboo flop one in case anyone's curious
but i have to wait until FUCKING NOVEMBER FOR IT TO SHIP??? at least that's close to my birthday, i'm going to have completely forgotten about it by then so that'll be a nice surprise.

alright so starting on any sort of pseudo progress related to being an avian, i had a dream about wings. it wasn't much, and it wasn't at all as it would be irl, but it was interesting. it was also what reminded me to write in this journal.

so basically, wings in my dream were sort of more like a tool or equipment you strap to your body, versus an actual part of it. they weren't very big either, only a few feet. my twin sister, piper, got a pair too, her's were yellow and mine were blue.

the way flight works was also pretty different, you basically just boosted into the air, and then glid back down, or you could keep boosting. think of it almost like the feather cape from mario. or more accurately, the way the flying mechanic works in sky: children of the light.

speaking of sky, i recently started playing that and i have about uh maybe 15-20 hours ? i only started a week ago so my switch won't tell me. but the game is BEAUTIFUL and i really recommend it if you haven't played it already.

and whether or not you do pls friend me on switch !! i need more friends and cool peepo my friend code is SW-4344-7618-7696 and also i u play sky pls give me hearts i need many of them D:

alright so what else have to got to say. basically nothing about avian stuff, but i have a little bit more for that so to flush out this chapter more i'm gonna just put that at the end. it's relevant to what i'm about to talk about anyways.

i recently got SUPER interested in pirates. i was reading an emeraldduo fanfic called bones in the ocean and it was a pirate au so that's probably where it came from. bones!phil is so gender lemme tell u
but ofc i had ideas for a pirate themed story, so i made a character named C. she was a pirate captain, but the twist is that she has wings and sails through the skies on an airship, AKA a skyirate haha get it. i wouldn't call her kind avians because there are some differences. idk what to call them though.
her story might just be like her NOT ROMANTIC NO EW relationship with a privateer who's supposed to capture her bc she's a super feared pirate and shit.

the idea i got for her story was because being a pirate sounds fun in concept, but i have a super big fear of the ocean. my dad wants to sail around the world and i do not i will not be joining him. BUT. i do not have a fear of the sky or heights or anything like that. i mean if i did i'd be fucked i'm literally a fuckin avian what am i gonna do then. but anyways that's where i got the idea for C's story.
and that's about how far the avian part of things goes. i want a piratecore aesthetic and i kinda wanna be a pirate that sails around in the sky, or at least somehow makes base there. if only i could sit on clouds. who knows, maybe peepo do live in the clouds but i just can't tell because i can't go up there yet. but HOLY SHIT I CANNOT WAIT that looks so fun, boy do i wanna fly.

Chapter Tl;Dr : i ordered a ranboo plush, i had a dream about wings, said wings had a weird mechanic because i played sky:cotl too much, i got super into pirates recently, pls google olivier levasseur, i rlly wanna be a sky pirate.

thank you for reading this shitshow of rambling and go drink some water pls !! take of ur binder for a bit and take ur meds i love you vm /p and ur valid pls remember that !!


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