i think i also want to be a magical girl (person?)

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is that allowed? i use he/they and i'm androgyne, but i'm afab. am i still allowed to be a magical girl? bc i really wanna. so despite me just starting this journal, i'm probably going to pause my avian development and see if being a magical girl is gonna be faster because despite a status as an avian being that thing in life that i know i'm supposed to do, i just kinda want lolita fashion and magic powers yk?

if it doesn't work out then i'll just be groovin as just a fuckin avian but atm i'm gonna be a part time magical girl

idk if i should say magical GIRL or boy because i use he??? i'm more comfy with masculine words but "i'm a magical girl" just sounds so cool yk "magical boy/person" doesn't have the same ring to it

so i might be taking a short break here, and ranting and shit here occasionally, so go check out whatever magical girl journal i'm about to make and i'll see yu back when i come back to become the crowfather

don't forget to drink water and take ur meds btw !!! ilyvm /p !!

-tommy WING-it

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