Kinesis powers being decided

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the title sounds a bit dumb, but that's what i'm gonna do. i'm going to try to learn a kinesis/elemental power to use as self defense if it's ever needed, and possibly for survival.

i had to put a lot of thought into what to try to learn. so here's my reasoning

my first thought was pyrokinesis, piper suggested it, as they want to learn cryo, and it was going to be my first go, but if you're up high or moving fast, especially flying or still in the windy skies, that fire's going to go out pretty fast. so that's probably a no.

aeiro? maybe, as it'd be useful for getting off the ground and flying while i'm just learning to, but there's not much i could do with it, the air would already be my domain, so being able to manipulate that would only go so far. and it's a tad boring

hydro was my next thought, and was going to be my choice, as there's a bunch of water in the air and in the clouds up high, so there'd be a lot of foothold up there, but then again there's not much i could do with water, especially in the air. that's a no, but if i were to pick 2, then that would be my next pick.

geokinesis is boring, and there's no rock or earth IN THE SKY so there's be nothing for me to use.

there's also something called thanatokinesis, which is literally just the /kill command. that sounds op, but then again it'd be really hard to practice and test. and i probably wouldn't have a fun time dealing with the knowledge of instant killing someone.

so i've decided on electrokinesis. as there's a lot of static in the sky, i wouldn't be effected by it. and there's also a lot of friction up in the clouds that makes lightning, so i could use that to my advantage. i'll try and find some subs or something for it, but i'm not sure how well that'll go. i also might make a separate journal for it that's more organized thatn this one, but i'm not sure about that either. now that i've decided, i'm just going to sit on that for a bit before doing anything.

ty for reading, and if u have any better ideas pls tell me because that was a hard decision to come to! and i hope that my reasoning makes some sort of sense or helps advise ur own decision if you're also stuck here.

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