Tommy's thoughts n to-do list

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written 8/11/21
here's a thing i've been needing to make for a while: my own thoughts n ramblings about who i am. so this is just me thinking out loud, and ending this chapter with a to-do list to organize what i've said.

i was reading some other journals and some of them were talking about kinetic abilities. i kinda wanna try my hand at those again. i once tried to get electrokinesis but i somehow fucked it up so bad that i get shocked by everything and electronic screens make me dizzy and fuck up my vision under certain circumstances. one person's journal (i forgot their name and i don't have wattpad open while writing this sadge), they were getting telekinesis and vitakinesis. i kinda wanna try telekinesis just because it seems easy to practice and show that i'm making progress, but i'm not sure how set i am on it. vitakinesis though sounds amazing. the world can no longer punish me for being afab you see.

one thing i found interest in is sensory manipulation. pretty self explanatory but in case you don't know, it's the ability to manipulate people's senses. sight hearing balance temperature pain etc. like feather from room of swords. i'm not sure how many people have it or how popular it is but if it's enough for me to find resources then i'll probably take a crack at that.i do think i'll try telekinesis just because it seems like a good thing to test my ability with. it seems rather easy to measure progress with you see.

hm when it comes to things i need to do: i need to redo my sub playlist, not just for the other things, but just to organize everything before i download it n such. my master plan for a good playlist is actually to get the subs without music and then edit them all together with my own selection of music over it. i'm most likely gonna use sky:cotl music because it's kinda hard to get tired of. but i'm not sure if i can really find all the subs i like WITHOUT music. i think one of the people i follow does upload them without music (or doesn't use any at all i don't remember) but i can't check right now. but come to think of it, i'd love some sub maker suggestions !! standing offer, idc how old this chapter is i am always looking for suggestions :Dsomething i also want is a pocket dimension. i don't think i'd use it particularly often, but i do have a couple reasons for wanting it. because that would be cool, and also just to see if i can. but i can't find much information on pocket dimensions, so i'd also love some input if anyone else knows a guy or smth. but until i can find some more information, it's something i'll probably just think about here and there.

i think i should also address my magical girl journal i abandoned. i'm still doing magical girl related things here and there, but not much obviously. i think i have a draft about what my outfit n powers n shit would be, but i've only barely started it. i'm not sure how long it'll take for me to get re-invested in all that stuff, but i'm honestly surprised i'm thinking so hard about anything else at the moment. if i tried to give you an estimation for how long that'll be, i'd say a few months at the least. since i'm still moving so my thoughts are taken up by that, and then at the same time i also have other things i'm working on. so it's at the bottom of my priorities if it's there at all.

and then slimeblood? i'm still interested in that, but i haven't been able to find ANYTHING mentioning it. i do plan on starting sub making (if i have the time ofc) so i might just be the first person to make subs for it or something. so slimeblood is yet another thing i need sub and journal recs for. i still plan on being a green one btw, that hasn't now i think i need to come up with an actual to do list, so here it is (including things i haven't spoken of already)

1. Figure out shit with meditating- biokinesis shit and also for some witchcraft things

2. remake sub playlist-add things for telekinesis and limukinesis (possibly also vita)-make a separate playlist for personal changes like eye color n such

3. possibly put together a playlist with my own changes like music-sky:cotl music most likely

4. try my hand at making my own subs
-most likely gonna start with limukinesis

5. do some more fucken research n progress with slimeblood

6. AND NOW i can focus on being a magical girl

now taking into consideration that i have MANY things going on atm like moving, gonna go to the library, mall, and michaels. birthday in two weeks as well etc. this is going to take a LONG time.

and that marks the end of all the different chapters i wrote!! thank u for being patient as i get all this stuff done lol, it will happen again /hj now pls go drink some water and eat smth healthy, u deserve it-tommy

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