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i wrote a chapter in response to @/ MHO_official's "a message to mythicals" post. it was just a response about how a couple things spoken about there were most likely incorrect, but neither me nor the author can know that for sure. i've since taken down the chapter.

tw pedophilia

there was nothing of my knowledge that i did wrong in the chapter. i gave a generally positive message and didn't speak harshly about the author's experiences with grooming. i've been groomed myself, so i can talk with some amount of certainty on the subject.

i was just uncomfortable with having an unprovoked response to a post talking about pedophilia up on the internet.  i don't think i did anything wrong, but i was still anxious when i saw a notification when i logged in today.

no one said anything of course, and i'm just overthinking, but until i'm sure that everything i said in that chapter has weight and is correct and worth saying, i'll keep the chapter private. you didn't miss anything, i just spoke about the amount of pedophiles in the community and gave a small PSA about internet safety.

nothing's happened, i'm sorry if i sound super serious! i'm just kinda tired while writing this.

please don't forget to be safe on the internet, and don't trust people you aren't sure you know completely! never give out your own personal informaton. i wish you only the best, and i'll update soon!


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