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ʚ 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞 ɞ

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ʚ 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞 ɞ

    The time of year had finally come around. Kaibara Municipal High School was throwing their annual school festival. They decked the corridors in streamers and posters galore, lighting up the hallways with bright colours. Stands and tables were lining the school and its classrooms, making for fun activities for any and all visitors.

    The school was packed, each and every hallway being filled to the brim with people as they passed. Either students trying to locate their friends or parents looking for their children in the sea of students.

    Megumi's heart was pumping loudly in her chest as she found herself sprinting through the packed hallways. Manoeuvring her slim body around and through the human obstacles. Her iconic red sneakers repetitively slamming against the tiled floor in a rhythmic pattern, a brown cardboard box held within her arms.

    Not too long ago, the blonde had been sent out to retrieve another supplement of napkins by her classmates. Seeing as she was the fastest out of her class, it was a factual choice to send her after them. Megumi wasn't complaining about the outcome, she even worked up the courage to smile at some students as she passed them in the corridor. Her brain flooded with dopamine by the sheer abundance of happiness that surrounded her.

    The air felt crisp around her. The soft breeze caressing the faces of those who allowed it. Sun wrapping the earth with its warm hands as the seasons grew hotter. In Megumi's heart, there was an oddly nostalgic feeling that she was unsure what to call. In the midst of the giggling faces, she was struck by memories she couldn't place in her mind. Her early childhood back when it was filled with nothing but smiles and rainbows ringing in her ears. The nostalgic feeling of being embraced by nothing but pure happiness and joy. The warmth in her heart soared, and she did nothing to quell it.

    Megumi's lips spilled silent words as she mumbled inaudibly under her breath the room numbers as she passed. It was this low hum of her voice that drew the attention of all who saw her, but she was blissfully unaware of the longing glances she received from numerous boys she passed every day. Their tender hearts melting as they admired her swaying body as she sprinted past.

    Sadly, her lack of attention led to her body colliding with another's, her bumbling head colliding with a firm chest as she rounded the sharp corner. An uncontrollable cry of surprise poured from her mouth when the world turned upside-down like a flipped coin. It felt as if Megumi's body was falling back in slow motion, getting closer by the second to the white tiles that made up the floor. Tension gripped her bones as she waited in trepidation for the impact.

    Alas, the impact became delayed. A thin arm found itself wrapped around her waist in a futile attempt to save her from the brutal collision. The mysterious person clung tightly onto her abdomen but there was too much momentum. In a heap of body parts, both bodies stumbled to the ground.

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