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ʚ 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐈𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 ɞ

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ʚ 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐈𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 ɞ

   When Megumi awoke the next morning, the sun was at fault. It had the audacity to glow through a small opening in Yuki's stone blue curtains and directly into her closed eyes, rousing her from her blissful slumber like a rooster on a farm. Initially, Megumi had valiantly tried to dismiss the bothersome ball of light and go back to dreaming of wondrous things, but the sun refused to be ignored.

     Brighter and brighter, it grew. Sleep becoming nothing more than a distant dream as Megumi became wide awake. She groaned loudly, burying her head into the luxurious pillow that smelt faintly of peppermint. Megumi's plan to sleep in was a bust.

    Mid yawn, Megumi flung her feet off the bed and onto the icy floorboards, provoking her body to shudder. She took her time in getting up; easing into the motion rather than rushing and getting light-headed. Effortlessly running her fingers through her hair, Megumi tamed the few stray hairs that had managed to tangle themselves while she slept. Deeming herself presentable, the blonde-haired beauty took a fleeting glance around the room.

    In many ways, the room looked near identical to how it looked when she went to sleep the previous night; only detecting a few minor differences when she looked hard enough. Yuki had cleaned up the mess he created on the table the night before—well, to an extent. Scattered papers still littered the table's surface, only now in messy piles instead of the jumbled mess it was before.

    Among the disaster sat the tornado himself, hunched over the table as he slept, still in her cream hoodie. While he used his arms to substitute for pillows, his head was nestled tightly in the crook of his elbow to escape the sun's scorching rays and sleep some more. His breathing was steady, a rhythmic in and out as he dreamed about something unknown to her.

    There were times he mumbled gibberish, a habit he'd been doing since they were children. Yuki's words were typically unintelligible when he sleep talked, but there were a few rare occasions Megumi could make some sense of his murmurs. This was not one of those times, unfortunately.

    Megumi couldn't stop the smile that crept up her face, the smile a mile wide. A lot of big, fancy words came to her mind that she could've used to describe Yuki in that instance, but only one truly captured his essence.


    There was not a single hair out of place on his head, even with the hours of sleep he's accumulated. The sun's beams making him look like a blessing sent from the gods. Megumi felt humbled just being in the same room as him. His room, she reminded herself.

    She finally broke her stare after gaining enough strength, wrenching her emerald eyes away from his sleeping form. The girl made a beeline for the door, opening and closing it silently so as not to wake the sleeping boy. The sun was only just rising. He deserved to rest a little longer.

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