Home Again

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At the age of 22, Atlanta Georgia, Travis stood infront of the old house, he had learned to call "home".

After the so called "mysterious" death of his father, He felt free to do whatever he wanted. Melissa had said her woes at his funeral and said goodbye to Travis, and then left. He wasn't quite she where she had went, but it wasn't his problem.

Melissa was selling the house, and letting Travis live there until it was bought and the new owners got there.

And that day was today.

Travis had booked a plane ticket back to Nockfell the previous night, and had finished packing all his stuff.

And now, he stood infront of this house, a suitcase in one hand, a backpack slung around his shoulders, and his phone in the other hand.

💙: Well, Goodbye... Will I at least see you at school tomorrow?

✝️: I hope so.

      *Last Message sent: 5 years ago*

Travis sighed, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"Goodbye, Georgia... But- It's time to go home..."

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