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The next morning Travis woke up in an empty bed once again, and got up, got dressed, and made his way down stairs, where Sal and Larry were sitting on the couch, watching tv.

"Oh... Hi", Travis rubbed his eyes gently.

"... Oh hey, dude", Larry raided his hand in a awkward wave towards Travis.

"Good morning", Sal smiled, jesturing Travis to come sit with them.

Travis awkwardly shook his head and made his way back upstairs.

"Huh... Weird", Sal muttered.

"Is everything okay?", Larry turned his head to look at him.

"I don't know- I just don't think he likes you very much....", Sal blurted out.

"Wow, thanks!", Larry chuckled, gently hitting Sal's back.

"Ow! Okay I'm sorry!! But yesterday was so weird..."

"Oh right! How did your date go?", Larry said, in a very interested tone.

"Eh, it was awkward, that's for sure.... It was fun, and.... Weird", Sal huffed.

"Why do you say that?"

".... Well, last night we talked....", Sal muttered.

"Ohh???", Larry chuckled.

"Nevermind... Um, I'll be right back", Sal stood up abruptly and scruried up the stairs.

"Hey! Is everything alright- sorry sorry", Sal opened his bedroom door.

"What?...", Travis looked up from his book.

".... Why did you come back up here?..."

"You were hanging out with Larry, I didn't want to bother you"

"Oh, right. Obviously. That makes sense...", Sal let go of the door handle.

"Are you okay? You seem so anxious and on edge", Travis placed a bookmark in his page, and shut his book, setting it to his side.

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah, obviously. Hey um about last night--"

"I literally do not care if you do or don't want to fuck me", Travis interrupted.

"No, no! Not about that... Later that night... Um... Are we like. Dating. Like, officially?", Sal blurted out quickly.

"I feel like I need more context for this subject?", Travis squinted his eyes.

"Right.... Obviously... I'm gonna, go back downstairs...", Sal sighed, shutting the door and walking backstairs to where Larry was, where he was putting on his coat.

"Where are you going?", Sal clicked his tongue.

"Hm?", His friend turned around, "Oh, Ashley invited me to go get lunch with her and Maple. You can come if you want", Larry nodded with a smile.

"Eh, I probably shouldn't", Sal rubbed the back of his neck.

"You can bring Travis", Larry snickered.

"Well, I'll see what he thinks, don't leave without me, alright!", Sal rushed back to the stairs.



"Like, I just don't understand his issue!", Maple rolled her eyes, as she stirred her chocolate malt.

"Yeah, that's so stupid, oh my god", Ashley agreed, taking a sip from her drink.

"Why have you guys been so quiet this whole time", Larry nudged Sal's shoulder.

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