It's Not Too Late

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The night went smoothly. Ash sat down with the three to watch tv once she finished painting, until Soda fell asleep and Sal put her in his bed until Ash decided to say her goodbyes and Todd, Neil, Maple, and Chug, back from their double date together.


"Hey guys!", Todd walked into the living room, the three following him, "I'm sorry, I expected us to get home a little earlier", he huffed before smiling at Sal and going upstairs.

"Sorry, he's just antsy right now", Neil sighed, taking his coat off.

"Oh yeah, it's fine, um, by the way, Soda is upstairs asleep, I can go get her if you want", Sal smiled standing up.

"I'd love that", Maple smiled, placing a hand on her hip.

Sal gestured Travis to follow him upstairs and into his room to wake up Soda and bring her downstairs to go home.

Travis said his goodbye's and gave Soda a kiss on the cheek, and waited in Sal's room while he took the small child downstairs.

Muttered chit-chat from downstairs as Travis sat there quietly, looking at the floor. And then silence, and the door creaked open before it shut abruptly.

"You wanna talk about it?", Sal said in a breathy tone.

"Talk.. talk about what?", Travis looked over at Sal, who was now sitting beside him, his friends hand on his shoulder.

"Us?", It was hard for Travis to make out his friend's face in the dark room, and his shattered porcelain face. That... He knew was caused by his father. As if he'd ever admit it.

"What's there to talk about?", Travis shrugged.

"Our relationship....", Sal huffed, avoiding eye contact.

"We're friends. Right? Nothing more, nothing less", Travis adjusted his shoulder trying to get Sal's hand off.

"Travis... We had something..."

"Yeah, a dumb highschool experience that we both regret"

"You.. regret it?"

"You're saying you don't?", Travis chuckled awkwardly.

"No.. i- I thought you liked me... I mean"

"Sal, We were dumb kids. And we're adults now."

"So, you did loose feelings, huh?..."

"And your didn't?"

Sal went quiet for a moment, fiddling with his fingers, looking at the ground.

"I wish I did.", He sighed, standing up. "I'm gonna go to Larry's place for the night"

"Oh.. did I do something wrong", Travis gritted his teeth looking up at Sal.

"No Travis, you didn't do anything wrong", Sal slipped his phone into his pocket and placed his hand on the doorknob.

"It's not too late. To start over, make things right .... To be together" Sal opened the door and left before Travis could even process the words that came out of the blue haired boys mouth.

Was it really not too late? Start over.. restart and rekindle their relationship. The relationship they started and ended not even that long ago. And maybe, be happy together.

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