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Travis rolled over, rubbing his eyes to get a better look at everything.

"Good morning sleepy head", Sal stood by the door, taking off his coat. The sunlight seeping through the curtains, illuminating the blue haired boy.

"Oh... Hi... How did everything go last night....", Travis sat up, still partly asleep.

"Well, we didn't get much settled. But Phillip wanted you to talk to him about it personally, and then he would go up with you to confront Abby about it."

"Oh", Travis sighed.

"I'd suggest giving Phillip a call or text him. I'm gonna head downstairs and make some coffee before Ashley gets here.", Sal sighed, walking up to the door to leave the room.

"Wait, Why is Ashley coming over?"

"I don't know.... She just said she was", Sal answered before leaving the room.

Travis sat their in silence for a few minutes, staring at his phone... Too afraid to actually text Phillip. What was this was all a trap....




✝️: Hey.

⬛: I'm so sorry.

✝️: It's fine...

✝️: Sal said you wanted to talk to me?

⬛: Yeah um

⬛: Abby's at work right now. Do you want me to pick you up and bring you to my place?

⬛: We can talk about what happened, and when she gets back from work we can talk to her about it, or I can drop you off before she gets home if you want to wait

✝️: Phillip...

⬛: ?

✝️: I don't know if I want to talk about it.

✝️: It makes me so uncomfortable, I just feel sick.

⬛: I'm sorry...

⬛: I don't know what I should say...

✝️: Can we just talk about it over text?...

⬛: Does that feel more comfortable?

✝️: Yeah.

⬛: Then yes, we can text :)

✝️: Thank you-

⬛: Of course, so what happened?

✝️: Well let's start at the beginning... When I first got to your house she was being extremely homophobic and racist...

⬛: Seriously?...

✝️: Yeah.

✝️: And after that it was normal, until we sat down for dinner. She kept just starting at my weirdly, and would rub me shoulder alot.

⬛: Oh yeah, I remember that--

✝️: And she would touch and rub my thighs....

⬛: Oh

✝️: This feels so stupid. I'm a grown man, I shouldn't be over reacting like this.

⬛: You're not over reacting. You were uncomfortable and that's totally okay.

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