Together Again

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"Hey, Oh wow. It's good to see you again", Travis said once he sat down in his friends car, buckling his seatbelt.

"Yeah... I've missed you.... it's been awhile, huh?"


".... He's been gone for two hours, and hasn't answered any of my texts!", Sal placed around the living room, phone in hand.

"Why are you so stressed? He's just out with a friend?", Todd said, leaning on the couch.

"Yeah! A friend that he hasn't seen in years, and doesn't want me to know about it!", Sal groaned.

"Is it really that big of a deal?", Todd tilted his head.

"... Okay, maybe I'm just overreacting just a little bit...  I can trust him", Sal sighed, sitting himself down next to Todd.

"No~ he's definitely cheating on you"


"I'm kidding!", Tod chuckled. "It's gonna be fine.... Probably..."

"I hate you"

"Awe, thanks"


"So what's new?", Travis asked, the two sitting at the edge of an empty canal, slushies in hand.

"Nothing much, I started dating this girl almost a year and a half ago", The blue haired boy took a sip of his drink.

"Damn, really?" Travis pushed his hair back.

"Yeah! You she meet her sometime, she's really sweet.... Are you seeing anyone right now?"

"Oh um...", Travis sat there for a second. "Yeah-"

His friend started laughing.

"What's so funny?", Travis lifted one of his eyebrows.

"You? Dating someone. Just kinda hard to believe", his friend continued to laugh.

"I could say the same about you, Phillip"


"Todd! Almost four hours! And he's still not answering me!"

"What did I say about coming into my room without knocking", Todd rolled his eyes, and shut his book.

"This is important!", Sal groaned, flopping himself face first onto Todd's bed.

"Please get out"

"Uuugggghhhhhhhhhh", Sal's groan was muttered, and then, he heard a click, and the downstairs door open.

"Travis!!!", Sal jolted up and ran downstairs, but to his disappointment, Neil stood at the front door, a grocery bag in hand.

"Oh.... Did you get the milk?"


"I had a fun time...", Travis said, kicking a rock in his path.

"Yeah, me too!", Phillip said, placing his hand on Travis's shoulder as they kept walking.

"And hey, if you ever need anything. And I mean anything! Don't be afraid to give me a call", Phillip smiled, and the two came to stop infront of Phillip's car.

"Got it", Travis  chuckled.

"How about we getchchu home now"

"Yeah...", Travis looked at the sky, that was fading indigo into a hot pink, the sun almost completely down. "I should have been home awhile ago actually...", Travis pulled his phone out as he walked up to Phillip's car and got in.

"Oh yeah. I hope it's not a problem...", Phillip got into his seat, and started the car.

"Oh... No.... It's... Er uh fine...", Travis scrolled through all the missed calls, and texts he had gotten from Sal.


Travis walked into the quiet and dark house, with seemingly no one awake.

Travis quietly shut the door, looking around the house and walking towards the kitchen, to see an awkward dim light in the darkness.

Travis flipped in the light switch.

"Oh. Hi", Sal said with a mouthful, sitting on th kitchen counter, the fridge infront of him, wide open. And a hot pocket in his hand.

"What are you doing?...", Travis muttered.

"Ohhhh.... Hi", Sal continued chewing his food, "can I... Help you....", Sal sighed.

"Um... Nope. I'm.... Good. I'm just--- gonna head upstairs and you can just keep eating.... That", Travis nodded.

"Okay.... Can you turn the light off on your way out...", Sal said, taking another bite of his food.

"Uh, yeah", Travis took a step back, and flipped the switch off.

"Weird....", Travis muttered, running up the stairs.


Travis was laying in bed, ruffling up his hair, unable to sleep as he watched the red numbers on Sal's bedside table blinking "1:14". And Sal still hadn't come upstairs.

Travis was beginning to get a little worried. But there were plenty of good explanations why he wasn't upstairs yet.

He could just be downstairs, still eating or watching a movie. Plenty of reasons why he wasn't up yet. But Travis felt uneasy about it, so he stood up and walked downstairs in the dark, not a sound from anywhere.

Travis got to the living room and flipped the light switch on, nothing. No one was there.

Keeping the light on, he made his way to the kitchen, flipped the switch on. Nothing, no one, empty.

"Weird...", Travis muttered, turning all the lights back off and heading back up the the room. He grabbed his phone off the bed, and made a quick text message.

✝️: Hey.

5 minutes later

✝️: Sal?

✝️: Is everything okay?

5 minutes later

✝️: Sal?

✝️: C'mon dude, this isn't funny.

10 minutes later

✝️: Hello?

✝️: Is this some dumb prank or something 😑, Cause it's not funny.

✝️: Sal?

✝️: Pick up, I'm worried.

6 minutes later

✝️: ....

✝️: Okay, where are you.

✝️: What's going on?

✝️: Hello?

✝️: Sal?!

✝️: Please answer me.

✝️: Are you okay?

✝️: Pick up the phone.

✝️: Why aren't you answering my calls.

✝️: Sal.

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